
Emerald News

Our Irish Mate brings us two new features.
-The US Roster ( in the “About” menu) is a password protected spreadsheet .
– Additionally, a list of the Captain Assembly Meetings Minutes is now available in the “Publications” menu.

Erin gO rza! 

Emerald News Read More »

Minutes of the Assembly of Table Captains March 15, 2023

Minutes of the Assembly of Table Captains March 15, 2023 Read More »

Who are we ?

The Brotherhood of the Coast is a global fraternal organization whose members have sworn to each other their friendship and loyalty, anchored by their common love of the sea. Started in Chile in 1951 as the Hermandad de la Costa, it has steadily grown to over 3,000 members (Brothers) in over 200 local chapters (Tables) across the world.

We do not discuss religion, politics or business and we are not a yacht club, secret society, charitable or service organization.
The guiding principles of the Brotherhood are codified in the Octolog. They are based on the camaraderie which existed amongst the Buccaneers who gathered in the second half of the seventeenth century to establish an organized community with rules observing a strict respect for the “customs of the coast”. They formed a very close knit society, which they named FrËres de la CÙte (“Brothers of the Coast”), on the islands of Tortuga and Jamaica.
The eight principles of the Octolog is sworn to by all Brothers worldwide and must be respected – disregard of them could lead to expulsion. Brothers must treat all Brothers equally with respect. A Brother’s economic, religious, ethnic, social status or nationality is of no importance among Brothers. Visiting Brothers may stay with another Brother even though they have never met. The bonds among Brothers are very strong – many develop deep, long lasting friendships that are life-changing, not only within the Brother’s Table but among Tables worldwide.
The Founding Brothers of the US Brotherhood were inspired by the closeness of this fraternity, which led them in 1959 to choose the name Brotherhood of the Coast.
Similar to sailors who depended on each other for survival during long journeys at sea, it embodies fraternity, commitment, and lifelong friendship among Brothers worldwide.
As the Brotherhood is based on a common love of the sea, boating raft-ups and regattas are a major activity in home waters and abroad. Tables are free to support any causes they wish. When the earthquakes hit Haiti and Chile, Brothers worldwide contributed to help Brothers impacted by these devastating events. There is no typical Brotherhood Table; they are largely autonomous, free to decide amongst themselves how often to meet and the format of their meetings.
Aside from regular meetings, some Tables hold events to which all Brothers are invited. Many Tables will celebrate founding anniversaries or national holidays – New York, for example, invited Brothers worldwide to join in celebrating Op Sail and the Chilean Brotherhood will celebrate their 75th Anniversary in 2026. Many Tables invite Brothers worldwide to participate in their local and national meetings. Traveling Brothers will find a welcome berth in any Brotherhood location.
There is a National Assembly of Captains which offers guidelines to Tables and deals with international matters and subjects of common interest. Every four years there is an international gathering, a World Zafarrancho. lasting about a week. They have been held in Chile (where Brothers rounded Cape Horn, courtesy of the Chilean Navy), Argentina, Australia, Belgium, France, Italy, UK, Uruguay and the USA. These meetings give Brothers the opportunity to meet old friends and develop new ones.
Even though The Brotherhood of the Coast is a loosely organized fraternity, there are features common to all. There is a dress code referred to as Brotherhood Formal Dress, which includes a blue blazer with a distinctive pocket patch and a tricorn hat. At other events designated for Battle Dress, Brothers will wear traditional seventeenth century regalia, some complete with bandanas, cutlasses and mock flintlock pistols. At events, appreciation is shown with a traditional toast recognized worldwide and known as the Broadside.
Any Brother may sponsor a potential Brother
(Engage) to join a Table. The Table’s Brothers will spend a lot of time with Engages to ensure that they understand the commitment required and will respect and adhere to the guiding principles of the Octolog. After some time during which the Engage attends meetings and outings with other Brothers, if all the Table’s Brothers concur, the Engage will become a Brother for life.
In short, the Brotherhood of the Coast is a fraternal organization of lovers of the sea but is not for everyone.
our aim is not to increase our numbers but to maintain our viability worldwide. We hope that this brochure has given you some insight as to what we are all about.

A trifold pamphlet was created to present the organization. Click to download.
New Brochure pamphlet

Who are we ? Read More »

Thank you Brise Galets for the BOC List

In line with the decision made by SECOIN, and with immediate effect, Brise-Galets will hand over to brother Americo a.k.a. Jorge Sapiains the management of the Boclist, which  today contains 3700 contacts, having started in 1992 with 18 contacts. He wishes to thank all of the brothers who helped him along the way with what turned out to be a very long and tedious process. He wishes brother Americo to make good progress toward what would be the ultimate goal of a worldwide Brotherhood roster.
Orza to all of you !!!
An official note about this transfer of assignments appears in the newest Tortuga Post #94. You can access TTP#94 on the official, worldwide publication, hosted by This site is pretty secured and you can access it with your username and password. Please visit it often and update your Brother’s info!

As per TTP#94 : Quote: Because this Secretariat is in charge of a Chilean, it implies that Chile must assume the costs of the exercise and therefore SECOIN adopts the existing web with a new design, hosting and Big Hopper tried to log in, unsuccessfully. Please follow this blog for more info. Unquote

All comments are more than welcome! Especially updates on how to proceed in the future.


Thank you Brise Galets for the BOC List Read More »