New York

New York’s table
First table founded in the country.
Captain: Jane Protzman – aka Jungle Jane #28

Lory Smith: Self Portrait by an unknown Artist

Lori Smith: Click to view the movie

We know Andrea “Artista” Torrens of the New York Table is a very talented painter. Andrea and her husband Lory have decorated many illustrious homes with trompe l’oeil and landscapes.ย 
Few of us knew that Lori ย is a very accomplished artist, painter and active in the movie industry in his own right. We invite you to know him better through his own movie introduction.

Lory Smith: Self Portrait by an unknown Artist Read More ยป


Brothers and Mates, 

After discussion with our Captain Jungle Jane. I decided to revive our News Letter “Lookout”. Its purpose is to convey to our Brothers stories and report that may be of interest.  It is open to all New York Brothers. So if you have something interesting for our Table let Jane or me know and we can share your story with others. The advantage is that “Lookout” can be archived and not buried like emails.


Tony Olmer – Rascal


NYC Zaf 2019 Invitation

It appears that some Brothers were not aware of the April 1st deadline for the National Zaf in New York this August. Therefore we are extending the deadline to April 15th for registration. We look forward to seeing our Brothers for our Big Apple Party!

August 16 through 18, 2019 Join your brothers and celebrate BOCUS 60th anniversary, concurrently with NY Table’s 40th anniversary.

NYC Zaf 2019 Invitation

Nicknamed "The Mayor of City Island"


Brother Squegee now sails on serene seas, bow bearing to eternity.

John(Jay) Howard was born in Mount Vernon, New York on August 2, 1941.ย  Jay was a resident of City Island, New York for the past 59 years.

Jay is survived by his wife, Norma, and his brothers, Ed, Robert, and George of City Island, and their children: Edward, Lucille, Michelle, Robert, Cassidy and Russell.Jay is also survived by his two sons with his first wife, Maureen Kortleven; John, daughter-in-law Kimberly, and grandson Kingston, and Peter, daughter-in-law Carrie, and grandchildren Bryce and Laurel.

Jay was a major force in City Island Community Projects, Outreach, and Service and was an active member of Trinity United Methodist Church.

He was a true โ€œMan of the Peopleโ€, and inspired everyone with his kindness, selflessness, humor, and genuine interest in the human spirit; especially the young, the vulnerable, the needy, and the ordinary.ย  Jay made everyone he knew feel like the most important person in the world.

Jay lit up a room with his infectious personality and laughter. He was never one to deny anyone a moment of his time, or safe harbor for the needy.ย  He always appeared to take great pleasure in helping others.

Jay Howard achieved public recognition for his service with teens through his โ€œLiving Rocksโ€ Project, and was an inspiration to young and old alike.

Squegee in Sag Harbor, September 2016


Squegee in Sag Harbor’s Whaling Museum, September 2016









A memorial service for Jay will be held Saturday,ย  November 4, 11 a.m. at the Trinity Methodist Church, corner of City Island Avenue and Bay Street. (113 Bay, 10464). It will be followed by a reception in the church hall.

The family requests that in lieu of flowers a contribution be made in Jay’s memory. The NY Brotherhood will do so when there is more information about the creation of a fund honoring Jay’s enormous contributions to the youth of City Island.
Sadly, Jungle Jane



NY FlashZaf and new Engagรฉ

Paul (Mindaugas) and wife Dawn are heading back to St Augustine, leaving their Malo 36 “Bubu” in Stanford. They plan to sail Nova Scotia next season. Sparks reunited us for a dinner d’adieu. We officially recited the Octolog and invited Paul Citarella as a new engagรฉ. ย Paul started sailing with his parents and sister when he was about 10 and has been an avid sailor since. He recently purchased a Leopard 38 sailing cat after selling his Jeanneau 36. ย With his wife Alyssa, daughters Heather 10 and Katie 6, ย they plan to live aboard, working their way down the east coast to Florida and then on to the Bahamas for the winter. They plan to sail up to the CT area during the summer to be with friends and family, then back to the Caribbean for the offย season.


NY FlashZaf and new Engagรฉ

New York in September

Rob and holly in Oyster Bay
Rob and holly in Oyster Bay

As per their own account, Rob aka “Limey” and Holly Sanger’s trip to Long Island Sound has been fun and interesting. New York Table tried to organize a FlashZaf, but Neptune decided otherwise. They took “refuge” in Oyster Bay to sit out TS Hermine. They stripped off the jib, took off the dinghy outboard, tied down the main and mizzen sails and set two anchors, just in case. Big Hopper met them to share dinner but they were not be able to meet with the other Brothers since they have to sail south before Labor Day.

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The following Week End reunited nine brothers in Sag Harbor where Kathleen opened her summer house. On Saturday 10, we shared a hearty breakfast, and headed to town for the harbor fest. We visited the whalers museum, sailed the Typhoon 19′, navigated around Jessup Neck in the Chris Craft and gathered around the bond fire to cook marshmallows. Fun Week End!

New York in September

Polish Brother’s Visit and News from Traveling U.S. Brothers.

Greenwich Mid Week Zafย While the sun rays of summer painted our wake gold and spread silver glitter on the waves, the New York table held a mid-week Zaf in Greenwich, CT. ย Twenty four attendees made this an almost record turnout. Nice way to welcome special Polish guests Jerzy Demetraki-Pleolog (Flag #28) and his shipmate Anna. Sparks will drive them down south for multiple visits including the Solomons table. Stay tuned; this blog will follow their journey.
It was also with great pleasure that we “reconnected” with Mindaugasย  (Paul and Dawn Gudelis) who sailed their Malo 36 “Bubu” to St. Augustine, the Bahamas, Cuba and back to Stamford.

Let’s take this opportunity to highlight Preston ans Sherry’s Great Loop voyage on their new powercat… They blog onย


Polish Brother’s Visit and News from Traveling U.S. Brothers. Read More ยป

For to go out cruisin’ round Cape Horn …

Andrej Bienkowski – NY38 is a darn interesting Brother! It helps that he and his lovely Irene are throwing great Zafs such as the late brunch we shared this Sunday. We also enjoyed the healthy presence of “Rascal” who brilliantly went through a successful hip surgery process.
We all visited Andrej’s collection of Polish sabers, swords, stylets and cutlasses. We smelled his newly acquired “camphor wood” treasure chest. We looked at historical photographs of when he was boarded and “welcomed” by the US Coasts guards. This was when with four comrades,he had built a steel ketch and jumped the “liquid” iron curtain to escape socialist Poland.
We dug hard into his reserve of Vodka. And we raised a series of Orza’s to wish him fair winds and safe passage. Next Friday, Andrej is flying to Buenos Aires and Ushuaia. He will board a yawl to sail a double rounding of the Cape Horn. This seems to be a tradition and a “Rite od Passage” for our Polish friends. Among us was Andrej Gruszka who also had accomplished this feat a couple of years ago. We certainly will follow Andrej’s adventures in close to real time. We’ll try post AIS positions and maybe to relay some e-mail news!

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Thank you for you feedback!

For to go out cruisin’ round Cape Horn … Read More ยป


Marcos Apablaza, from the Nao Conception, Chile, visited Brothers in New York February 22nd while in the USA on vacation. Rising to the occasion, the NY Brothers organized a “Flash ZAF” at a Latin American restaurant in NYC for a wonderful “get acquainted” lunch. Afterwards NY Brother Jay (Squeegee) Howard, who has hung out (literally) on many landmark NY buildings, took us on an impromptu tour of Grand Central Station.

Please click to view pictures

Be sheer chance, Budweiser was hosting a new beverage roll-out party and not to turn down free drinks, we took advantage to show Marco a “only in NYC” moment, as captured in the video below:

Robert Coles, one of the more reserved NY Brothers, went “ball swimming” – check out the video! Only in NYC!


Gary and Helene Buckingham Flash Zaf

Garry and Helene Buckingham from the Guernsey table visit New York at the tail end of their two and a half year, ย 18000 miles journey through Australia, New Zealand, Fiji , and North America. Before ending the trip with ย a big bang on the Queen Mary towards Southampton, they give the New York table a New Year’s Orza! Thanks to Kathleen for hosting this short notice Flash Zaf!

Gary and Helene Buckingham Flash Zaf

NY Holiday Zaf

Cruz, our national captain and captive Michele visited the big apple on their return from the German Geese Festival. ย Ina, barely off the plane from the same gathering, pulled off her usual organisational skills and culinary prowess for her traditional holiday zaf.

NY Holiday Zaf

NY 2015 Halloween

NY Halloween Zaf 2015

This October 24 was the long awaited date of gathering for most NY brothers.
… Dear Brothers: the website was updated by using WordPress as its main engine. Every table scribe should have received a user name and password that would enable him to post news related to his table. I have to say, I thought the process would have been more streamlined.
The site presents many many new and valuable enhancements, such as the capability to create photo galleries. It is however a bit circumvoluted process and I am still in the process to set up a clear, standard path for everyone to follow easily.

Enjoy and post your recent news and events!

  • Big Hopper –


NY Halloween Zaf 2015

NY252 in Papeete

To end a long delivery from Galapagos to Tahiti, NY brother Big Hopper was invited by the Tahiti table. Surprisingly, Fidget ( Steve Wolfson) and his captive from the Houston table were with them on their Hans Christian 48 “Li Ward”. The table reunites every Thurdsay evenings at the marina Taina ร  Punaauia.ย  Some of the brothers drove a very long way from the peninsula “Tahiti Iti” to join the welcoming party.

Tahiti-20150507_185927On the picture are standing Quille de Joie, Marcgyver, PaulSud, Big Hopper.
Sitting:ย  La Frรฉgate, Fidjet, Cap Gibraltar.
Heavily involved in some sort of naval architecture topic were Archipel and PaulSud.

A Belgian in the Society Islands
A Belgian in the Society Islands ?

NY252 in Papeete