USA Tables

Updated HELP page

The HELP page is available in the top menu. Written for each table’s scribe and website updater, it should remain a static page. But the “announcement” here created is basically a post. Be sure to visit this page as Big Hopper will give a brief presentation about the web site at the Tybee Zaf’s Captains meeting. Scribes are wholeheartedly invited to attend.

A Scribe at his PC
Actively involved in blogging

This post was concurrently created with the Help page itself. There is a PowerPoint presentation “bocus-intro.ppt” we have uploaded and linked to. An Acrobat file is available atย bocus-intro.pdf

A separate procedure is coming soon, for easy upload of Tortuga Posts and First Watches, as these documents are presented as a sequentially dated multi-choice list.

Updated HELP page

Annapolis, Tybee Island and the 2016 BOCUS Guide

  •  Patrick reiterate the invitation to the Sailing Capital Annapolis August BOUCAN BOIL. ( See Calendar of Events ). Further info in the last First Watch. There is a limited number of bunks available. The table will arrange slips as necessary.  Respond by email or phone.
  • Download Schedule of Events at Tybee
  • Third Quarter 2016 First Watch is published and uploaded.
  • BOC Guide revised 2012 version was uploaded







Annapolis, Tybee Island and the 2016 BOCUS Guide Read More ยป

Tybee Island, Georgia Sept.22

Tybee Island Lite shrine Club
Tybee Island Lite shrine Club

Attached is the formal Announcement and Invitation to the 2016 Savannah Zafarrancho and Captains Meeting.ย  Included is a brief description of the planned events and the places where they will be held.ย  The last page shows the โ€œfee to attendโ€ and where to send it, and there is a โ€œformโ€ that will help with tracking people down should that be necessary.
The Savannah Table very much looks forward to entertaining you and the members of your Tables who are able to attend.ย  ย Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you or your Table members.

Savannah-Capt-Meeting2016ย – as Word Document



Pirogue (aka John Byrne)

Tybee Island, Georgia Sept.22

NY Zaf: Andrej is back from the Horn

It went so fast! On March 13, the Bienkowski hosted their “Farewell Zaf to Andrej”ย  before he embarked on a round the Cape Horn sailing trip.

P1020101One can say “It’s old news…”. Let’s not denigrate such an accomplishment.ย  Detroit of Magellan is not an easy cruise and remains an important passage in any sailor’s life.

On April 5, I already received the first picture from Andrea with the message “He Is Back! ”

Andrej proudly displaying his BOC burgee
Andrej proudly displaying his BOC burgee

We had to wait until Rascal’s Zaf on May 21 to hear more of his adventure.

The 53′ steel sloop Andrej joined is skipped by a young Dutch professional captain assisted by a young crew. A team of eight participatedย  to the trip, three of them young women. Most of the watches were shared between the yacht’s crew, Andrej and the other Brother of the Coast … ???
Some of the pictures show that the boats are now way better equipped than Moitessier’s Joshua or Slocum’s Spindrift! Rigid cockpit canopies are standard. Hydraulic winches are at the ready. Storm stay sails, heavy duty furlers are the rule. And when they anchor, they do not even check the depth. an all chain tackle is set. All of it !
The yacht encountered 54 knots winds, thankfully enabling a somewhat comfortable running route.

jungle-jane-1996-burrgee jungle-jane-1996-station


Jungle Jane to comment: I found these photos from my ย 2 trips to Cape Horn, two from the circumnavigation of South America in 1996, the other of the ramp going up from a trip to Antarctica, in 1999. Is the Brotherhood flag still there?It is an exciting place to visit. Well done. Jane

NY Zaf: Andrej is back from the Horn Read More ยป

For to go out cruisin’ round Cape Horn …

Andrej Bienkowski – NY38 is a darn interesting Brother! It helps that he and his lovely Irene are throwing great Zafs such as the late brunch we shared this Sunday. We also enjoyed the healthy presence of “Rascal” who brilliantly went through a successful hip surgery process.
We all visited Andrej’s collection of Polish sabers, swords, stylets and cutlasses. We smelled his newly acquired “camphor wood” treasure chest. We looked at historical photographs of when he was boarded and “welcomed” by the US Coasts guards. This was when with four comrades,he had built a steel ketch and jumped the “liquid” iron curtain to escape socialist Poland.
We dug hard into his reserve of Vodka. And we raised a series of Orza’s to wish him fair winds and safe passage. Next Friday, Andrej is flying to Buenos Aires and Ushuaia. He will board a yawl to sail a double rounding of the Cape Horn. This seems to be a tradition and a “Rite od Passage” for our Polish friends. Among us was Andrej Gruszka who also had accomplished this feat a couple of years ago. We certainly will follow Andrej’s adventures in close to real time. We’ll try post AIS positions and maybe to relay some e-mail news!

Note: please comment on this post if you read it on a tablet or on a smart phone. Does the gallery of pictures show correctly? Is the loading page too latent?
Thank you for you feedback!

For to go out cruisin’ round Cape Horn … Read More ยป


Marcos Apablaza, from the Nao Conception, Chile, visited Brothers in New York February 22nd while in the USA on vacation. Rising to the occasion, the NY Brothers organized a “Flash ZAF” at a Latin American restaurant in NYC for a wonderful “get acquainted” lunch. Afterwards NY Brother Jay (Squeegee) Howard, who has hung out (literally) on many landmark NY buildings, took us on an impromptu tour of Grand Central Station.

Please click to view pictures

Be sheer chance, Budweiser was hosting a new beverage roll-out party and not to turn down free drinks, we took advantage to show Marco a “only in NYC” moment, as captured in the video below:

Robert Coles, one of the more reserved NY Brothers, went “ball swimming” – check out the video! Only in NYC!


Gary and Helene Buckingham Flash Zaf

Garry and Helene Buckingham from the Guernsey table visit New York at the tail end of their two and a half year, ย 18000 miles journey through Australia, New Zealand, Fiji , and North America. Before ending the trip with ย a big bang on the Queen Mary towards Southampton, they give the New York table a New Year’s Orza! Thanks to Kathleen for hosting this short notice Flash Zaf!

Gary and Helene Buckingham Flash Zaf

NY Holiday Zaf

Cruz, our national captain and captive Michele visited the big apple on their return from the German Geese Festival. ย Ina, barely off the plane from the same gathering, pulled off her usual organisational skills and culinary prowess for her traditional holiday zaf.

NY Holiday Zaf

Let’s have a WordZaf!

From Philadelphia, attending a WordPress web software “camp” and enhancing, to enable communication between tables and Brothers, I really benefit from 1880 attendees who rapidly become friends and share the same enthusiasm and sense of sharing. Very Brotherly, I must say!
I missย  the Zaf, but I hope some of you will post news and pictures as the Little Pirates parade. Brothers contributors to the site – usually the scribes –ย  who are too far from their main PC to login and write though the “Dashboard”, please enjoy the Postit feature! It enables you to post via e-mail to the email address I did communicate to each table in my last eblast. In case you forgot it, feel free to call me (516) 672 3776. For spam reasons, I can not write it here!

Let’s have a WordZaf!

Website News Nov 15

Through social media, we learned that Papy Jovial is sold. We now can officially wish Brise-Galets fair winds on his quest for a river boat and his subsequent European inland water explorations. Let’s also recognize and make good use of his work on the international roster: Have you updated your profile yet?

Brise-Galts post in FB and the BOCLIST login screen
Brise-Galets post in FB and the BOCLIST login screen

On this side of the Atlantic, we are working hard on BOCUS.ORG. …

Website News Nov 15

Memoriam on Jon Frick

Category: Sun Coast

Tag: Memoriam on Jon Frick

It is with deep regret that we convey the passing today (11/1/15) of
Sun Coast Table Brother Jon Frick (aka Mr. Clean), Flag # 200. Jon was 75
years old at the time of his death.

Jon battled small cell carcinoma for the last two years. During that period,
after regimens of chemotherapy and radiation, he was twice pronounced cancer
free. However, small cell carcinoma is an unyielding foe, and a recent
diagnostic test confirmed its virulent reappearance.

Jon was a native of Ohio. He was a US Navy veteran, as well as a retired
police officer. Jon was also an entrepreneur and owned his own patio
furniture upholstery business immediately prior to he and Bette relocating
to the Bradenton, FL area from Ohio in 1998. He was inducted into the
Brotherhood of The Coast in 2003, and served as Sun Coast Table Captain from
2008->2012. He was also a member of the Counsel of Sages under immediate past
National Captain Charles Hankins.

Jon, and his beloved captive Bette, were devoted members of the BOC. All
those who met Jon were struck by his imposing presence, booming voice,
gentle nature, graciousness, and the genuine affection he displayed toward
brothers and captives alike. During his years as Sun Coast Captain, Jon
presided over four very successful Little Pirates Christmas Zafs, as well as
hosting a National Captains Meeting.

Besides his love of the sea, Jon was a classic car aficionado, a motorcycle
enthusiast, and taught himself to be a superb paver artisan. Those visiting
Bette and Jon’s home in northwest Bradenton marveled at the beautiful pavers
Jon installed around the entire outside of the house. Jon and Bette were
also patrons of the arts and devoted much of their time and funds to the
Manatee Players, a local community theater organization in Bradenton, FL.
Jon was an Emeritus Member of the Manatee Players Board of Directors.

Jon’s good nature was infectious. It was indeed difficult not to be in high
spirits when conversing with him about anything BOC related. He truly loved
this organization, and we will all be the poorer for his passing. Of course
everyone has foibles, and Jon was no exception. He smoked too much, and
drank too little (he was always happier with Mountain Dew in his glass
rather than rum).

Besides his captive Bette, Jon leaves behind daughters Jennifer, Debbie, and
Katy, and son Jay, along with numerous grandchildren. Jon wished to be
cremated and have his ashes scattered in the Manatee River. There will be an
announcement forthcoming as to when that ceremony will take place.

John D’Alusio (aka The Crab), US Flag 192

Sun Coast Table


Memoriam on Jon Frick

NY 2015 Halloween

NY Halloween Zaf 2015

This October 24 was the long awaited date of gathering for most NY brothers.
… Dear Brothers: the website was updated by using WordPress as its main engine. Every table scribe should have received a user name and password that would enable him to post news related to his table. I have to say, I thought the process would have been more streamlined.
The site presents many many new and valuable enhancements, such as the capability to create photo galleries. It is however a bit circumvoluted process and I am still in the process to set up a clear, standard path for everyone to follow easily.

Enjoy and post your recent news and events!

  • Big Hopper –


NY Halloween Zaf 2015