Dave “Chief” Trawick (Scribe of the Annapolis Sailing Capital Table) and his wife & Kristy just emailed new material to be posted in. the page. We also amended the recipe page. Please email us news and relevant info regarding your table. These additions are spectacular. Thank you!
Send Email to Big Hopper.
Celebration: Oct 13-15, 2023
We are grateful to our mentors Pete Chabot, John Craighill and Past National Table Captain, Charles Hankins in Investing the Sailing Capital Table and ushering us into establishment – 23 August 2013.
Since then, we have grown from six with Bob Howe Inducted posthumously to twelve and two Engages today.
Our Table has evolved into an active, yet informal, low-key Table with no distinct schedule outside of our monthly TAF get-togethers. We began and remained humble which humility comes directly from all the contacts the Sailing Capital Brothers have developed with other Tables, the true nexus of the Brotherhood. We strive to meet or exceed activities common with other Tables and intend to keep meeting and growing our size and bonds.