USA Roster January 2024
USA Roster January 2024 Read More »
Dave “Chief” Trawick (Scribe of the Annapolis Sailing Capital Table) and his wife & Kristy just emailed new material to be posted in. the page. We also amended the recipe page. Please email us news and relevant info regarding your table. These additions are spectacular. Thank you!
Send Email to Big Hopper.
Celebration: Oct 13-15, 2023
We are grateful to our mentors Pete Chabot, John Craighill and Past National Table Captain, Charles Hankins in Investing the Sailing Capital Table and ushering us into establishment – 23 August 2013.
Since then, we have grown from six with Bob Howe Inducted posthumously to twelve and two Engages today.
Our Table has evolved into an active, yet informal, low-key Table with no distinct schedule outside of our monthly TAF get-togethers. We began and remained humble which humility comes directly from all the contacts the Sailing Capital Brothers have developed with other Tables, the true nexus of the Brotherhood. We strive to meet or exceed activities common with other Tables and intend to keep meeting and growing our size and bonds.
Annapolis Sailing Capital – 10 year Anniversary Read More »
Adding to the many recipes I had been asked to post on the website, this is one of my favorite. It is a recipe from the city of Liège in Belgium. Actually the capital city of the province of Liege at the Northeast of the Belgian country. How was it founded? Charlemagne- Carolus Magnus or Charles the Great – yes, the greatest conquerer of the Middle Ages marched north and united most of Western Europe for the first time since the classical era of the Roman Empire,. He “stopped” at a line traced by “Lille” in France, Brussels in the Flanders, Liege and Aachen in todays’s Germany. He had stopped established the oldest European university in Leuven/Louvain.
This clearly explain the “division” that exists today in Belgium as the “Latins” occupied the territories south of the line and the “Franks” continued to speak “Flemish” North of it… 🙁
Oopps – Yes I am Belgian and I tried to oversimplify History”. Anyway, why is this recipe “Liégeoise” or from the city of Liège”? I have no clue and I would love some feedback. All I can tell is that both my Wallonian side of the family and the Dutch ( Read from Flanders ) side family used to prepare the same dish.
Many a sailor couple asked me to describe it. It can be heavy and greasy. It can be very comforting at 2am amidst a night watch. It can be a great friends reunion’s appetizer. It can be enjoyed warm or cold. Bur really, it is better after having marinated overnight.
The main ingredient are “Princesses” – or in real American language “French Beans”. I guess “The Princess and the Pea” from literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen had no place in culinary prose. These are the ingredients:
This whole recipe can be processed on a galley’s one burner range! It does not need heavy refrigeration because of the vinegar’s acidity.
Chop the onions and cook them in a bit of butter until transparent ( Pan 1) . set on the side.
Cook the bacon SLOWLY to extract the fat- drop hem on paper towel to absorb the fat ( keep the paper towel to start the barbecue ! ) (Pan 1)
Blanch the French beans (Casserole 2) – Set aside
Cook the potatoes – not fully! Pour the water off and add butter ( to the bacon fat if you kept it in a bowl. “Caramelize “them in butter.
Add all the other ingredients
Add good wine vinegar. Put in fridge or serve
Best to eat with a heavy Belgian beer: Kriek Lambiek or Gueuze or Trappist!
After we had decided over some Rums and Cokes who would stand watch to the Commited Pork, we followed the recipes and prayed for less rain…
Click on the above image to visit the directory.
Audrey and Monty have the photos and slideshows on their SmugMug account. There are many of our Brothers and Captives who took the time and effort to send photos to make this great memory journey happen. Many expressed their appreciation for everyone’s efforts. The photos are to share with all Brothers worldwide. The photos are right click protected.
After clicking on a link you will see a page with multiple photos. You can page through the photos one at a time with the arrow on the right side of the individual photo. Below the group of photos are the page numbers. Use this to go to an individual page.
She is currently adding photos to the 10th World Zaf and is just about done. She can add more at any time if anyone wants to share the photos they took during the event. Many have been snagged off of Facebook…with permission mostly! ?
If anyone wants a copy of a photo or some photos “suitable for framing”, ? they can contact Audrey via email at [email protected].
Ce n’est qu’un Au-Revoir, mes Frères… Read More »
This might well interest all of us involved with the sea and its history, even if not directly related to the BOC. At our weekly Zoom meeting, the topic of the Evergreen ship stuck in the Suez was much discussed. For the past week, I have tried to get a full picture of the event. I gather that the ship ran aground and became lodged sideways across the waterway at about 07:40 local time (EET) (05:40 GMT) on Tuesday March 23. That morning, the tide was high at 06:42, of a medium amplitude, and 1.56 meters high. Some news sources reveal that attempts to dislodge the "monster" happened this morning (US time) with a tide at 10:58 with 2.02 meters. Luckily the tides are still going towards a greater coefficient on Tuesday March 30 at 12:08 with 2.12 meters.
My own extrapolations result in about 20,000 containers (TEU's) onboard representing some 24 columns of containers, at 23 rows abreast and about 16 containers high, for a total estimated height of 50 meters, making possible removal of containers a challenge, to say the least. More info given on CNN :
Some interesting links are on USA-Today, and the New York Times. Please send us other facts and your comments, especially from the brothers who lived and worked aboard as pilot or in the shipping industry.
Ever Never again … Read More »
The New York Table has been enjoying Saturday night “Zoom Zafs” for several weeks now. Recently these Zafs were attended by guests from other U.S. tables. On May 3, the New York Table and Orza from the Chesapeake were thrilled to join New Zealand, Australia, Chile, and New Caledonia at 12:00 Sunday Canberra time – 22:00 Saturday EST.
Our Chilean engagé Andres proudly recited the Octalog in Spanish. ORZA!
Pacific/South America/US East Coast Zoom Zaf Read More »
New York Brothers usually meet at each other’s homes on a monthly basis. Recently, this has not been safe or feasible. We turned to technology to continue our tradition virtually and even increase the frequency of our Zafs. We had two Zoom test sessions, inviting an increasing number of participants.
The first ZoomZaf started with some hiccups – and not from too many Orzas … some of us had no mic or video… but could still participate. It ended up being such a successful break from our isolation that we decided to make it a weekly event. Every Saturday evening at 6 p.m.
“Baggywrinkle” has been waiting for three weeks for Amazon to deliver a camera. He was so eager to virtually embrace the Brothers that Elaine and he drove 40 miles to fetch a legacy piece of equipment Robert had used in Windows 7. (Elaine traded for it with some home-sewn face masks … but why bother when I have Norton antivirus software? Ha ha.) We spent an hour on the phone trying to install the correct video driver. No luck… they had to participate in the ZoomZaf with audio only. We’re hoping for next time.
Our latest Zaf on April 18 included Show and Tell stories about our confined activities: repair of polyethylene water tanks, construction of a bottle wall, major mask production for charities and friends, musings about the effects of isolation on introvert and extrovert personality types, work on jazzy piano techniques, increasing working hours in hospital administration, studying Spanish, sorting family archive pictures, sailboat re-powering, electronic rice-cooker repair and prepping for a hilarious skit for us. Maximum number of participants is 10, we hope for more. We were happy to have our St.Augustine-Florida branch join in also. Baggy Wrinkle polka was most entertaining. <-Click to enjoy!
Please write below a comment on this post!
Hurricane Dorian shellacked the Bahamas. There are 16 Brothers out there and at least one Best Mate who owns a second residence there., “Per Save” is the Captain of the Bahamas table and his home apparently was destroyed along with much of the other island. The Man O War island community after the destruction of Hurricane Dorian needs the generous outreach and support from all of our worldwide friends, colleagues, and families.
The biggest and most immediate impact you can have right now to help rebuild the island infrastructure is through a monetary contribution to the PERC 501(c)(3) or GoFundMe accounts set up through this link: marked for the “Man-O-War Relief Fund”.
Josh Whetzel. (412) 952-3941
There are plenty of news available on Facebook at
The site was moved to a much larger server that should provide way shorter response time. ( = FASTER ) Some brothers still experience difficulties to open items in the menu. I am still investigating. I suggest as a first strategy to clear your browser cache. Help is here
Many photos have been uploaded on Google Drive. Anyone with the link can view the album
August 2019 Zaf in New York Read More »
In line with the decision made by SECOIN, and with immediate effect, Brise-Galets will hand over to brother Americo a.k.a. Jorge Sapiains the management of the Boclist, which today contains 3700 contacts, having started in 1992 with 18 contacts. He wishes to thank all of the brothers who helped him along the way with what turned out to be a very long and tedious process. He wishes brother Americo to make good progress toward what would be the ultimate goal of a worldwide Brotherhood roster.
Orza to all of you !!!
An official note about this transfer of assignments appears in the newest Tortuga Post #94. You can access TTP#94 on the official, worldwide publication, hosted by This site is pretty secured and you can access it with your username and password. Please visit it often and update your Brother’s info!
As per TTP#94 : Quote: Because this Secretariat is in charge of a Chilean, it implies that Chile must assume the costs of the exercise and therefore SECOIN adopts the existing web with a new design, hosting and Big Hopper tried to log in, unsuccessfully. Please follow this blog for more info. Unquote
All comments are more than welcome! Especially updates on how to proceed in the future.
Thank you Brise Galets for the BOC List Read More »
Please note that the current March 2018 edition of Tortuga Post TTP92-march2018 has the incorrect dates for the 2018 US BOC Assembly of Captains. ( Thank you J. and S…)
The correct dates are:
Just a reminder… Brise Galets is still assiduously managing the distribution of our world wide newsletter, the famous “Tortuga Post”. Its publication is usually announced by e-mail. If you miss it, all are available on
You have to enter your e-mail address and the password. Had you forgotten this pw, it will be reinstated very easily by just retyping your email address, where the updated password will be sent.
The same website also present the worldwide roster. It also enables each Brother to update his/her own information.
2018 Captains meeting and Tortuga Post 92 Read More »
Brother Squegee now sails on serene seas, bow bearing to eternity.
John(Jay) Howard was born in Mount Vernon, New York on August 2, 1941. Jay was a resident of City Island, New York for the past 59 years.
Jay is survived by his wife, Norma, and his brothers, Ed, Robert, and George of City Island, and their children: Edward, Lucille, Michelle, Robert, Cassidy and Russell.Jay is also survived by his two sons with his first wife, Maureen Kortleven; John, daughter-in-law Kimberly, and grandson Kingston, and Peter, daughter-in-law Carrie, and grandchildren Bryce and Laurel.
Jay was a major force in City Island Community Projects, Outreach, and Service and was an active member of Trinity United Methodist Church.
He was a true “Man of the People”, and inspired everyone with his kindness, selflessness, humor, and genuine interest in the human spirit; especially the young, the vulnerable, the needy, and the ordinary. Jay made everyone he knew feel like the most important person in the world.
Jay lit up a room with his infectious personality and laughter. He was never one to deny anyone a moment of his time, or safe harbor for the needy. He always appeared to take great pleasure in helping others.
Jay Howard achieved public recognition for his service with teens through his “Living Rocks” Project, and was an inspiration to young and old alike.
A memorial service for Jay will be held Saturday, November 4, 11 a.m. at the Trinity Methodist Church, corner of City Island Avenue and Bay Street. (113 Bay, 10464). It will be followed by a reception in the church hall.
The family requests that in lieu of flowers a contribution be made in Jay’s memory. The NY Brotherhood will do so when there is more information about the creation of a fund honoring Jay’s enormous contributions to the youth of City Island.
Sadly, Jungle Jane
***** New look: In order to comply with the requests of Brothers who do not follow FB and other social media, we slightly altered our”splash” screen. The home page is more static. The top menu presents access to this blog and new posts by clicking the NEWS option. A recap of the most recent news and blogs appear in the right column, above the events.
Enjoy and write comments!
***** Uruguay 2018 Mundial Zaf is filling rapidly and rumors sailed to us that there will be a maximum of 400 participants. Hoist your spinnakers and arrange to register !
***** Spring is another occasion for laboring men to go sailing…so wrote Hesiod in the Homeric Poems .
The recent North East blizzard denied this verses, but the NY Table was still able to welcome our Belgian brother Vincent Webrouck aka”Cannonier” and his captive Wivine, from the table of Brussels. After a double transatlantic crossing, he sails out of Toulon, France.
***** Another story was related to us by Brise Galets, from the FB page which accurately traces what is our Brotherhood. I’ll breach copyrights regulation for our Brothers who do not follow social media…
Brotherhood of the Coast-Chesapeake Bay Table
Today I experienced what is the true meaning and exceptional about The Brotherhood of the Coast in general and the Chesapeake Bay in particular. Due to an ongoing serious illness I am currently unable to clean and attend to maintenance requirements on Pounce.
This morning in high winds, heavy snow and rain, 9 brothers: Capt. Upwind,(Peter Dennant), Capt. Country Boy (Michael Monteith), Viajero (John Martin),El Calbucano (Tom Smith), Floater (Eric Matherne). Tortuga (Peter Briggs), Bui (John Williams), Tinker (David Holmes), and El Maestro (Mark Eller) came aboard Pounce at Hampton Yacht Club and began work. They changed the oil in both engines and the generator, made list of additional items to be taken care of, brought necessary supplies to perform these tasks and removed trash and cleaned up after themselves.
Also, Brothers unable to attend, have provided much needed moral support as well as Brothers from other Tables.
I cannot thank everyone enough and I am truly blessed to be a member of the Brotherhood of the Coast.
Capt. Pilot