New events appear at the right of this main posts window… But if you are such a techie that you only visit these pages on a smartphone, you will have to visit the EVENTS page.
* Our Houston brother “Chaser” just posted a teaser invite for the Boom & BBQ Zaf in Houston Texas, July 21st– 23rd. * Our national Captain “Orza” dispatches the last Tortuga Post (TTP87) in English language which describes the Mundial Zafarancho 2018. TTP87_URUGUAY_18_eng
Don’t hesitate to post your table’s calendar.. Peruse the Help page if needed!
Here's a reminder in case you forgot to take advantage of this offer last week. You can still take $25 off your order of $75 or more at Just click on the link below to start shopping!
$25 discount and $75 minimum apply to merchandise only and do not include
other fees. Coupon expires at 11:59 pm Eastern on November 28, 2016.
We are all relieved Matthew did not cause too much damage to our coast. Many trees fell and major utilities are still not re-established.
Enjoy three new posts : Savannah pictures, New York FlashZaf and SagZaf… You can now insert a comment on each individual image.
Reminder to all scribes: Big Hopper is available to hold your hand while updating your table calendar!
Happy and safe Columbus Day!
Paul (Mindaugas) and wife Dawn are heading back to St Augustine, leaving their Malo 36 “Bubu” in Stanford. They plan to sail Nova Scotia next season. Sparks reunited us for a dinner d’adieu. We officially recited the Octolog and invited Paul Citarella as a new engagé. Paul started sailing with his parents and sister when he was about 10 and has been an avid sailor since. He recently purchased a Leopard 38 sailing cat after selling his Jeanneau 36. With his wife Alyssa, daughters Heather 10 and Katie 6, they plan to live aboard, working their way down the east coast to Florida and then on to the Bahamas for the winter. They plan to sail up to the CT area during the summer to be with friends and family, then back to the Caribbean for the off season.
As per their own account, Rob aka “Limey” and Holly Sanger’s trip to Long Island Sound has been fun and interesting. New York Table tried to organize a FlashZaf, but Neptune decided otherwise. They took “refuge” in Oyster Bay to sit out TS Hermine. They stripped off the jib, took off the dinghy outboard, tied down the main and mizzen sails and set two anchors, just in case. Big Hopper met them to share dinner but they were not be able to meet with the other Brothers since they have to sail south before Labor Day.
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The following Week End reunited nine brothers in Sag Harbor where Kathleen opened her summer house. On Saturday 10, we shared a hearty breakfast, and headed to town for the harbor fest. We visited the whalers museum, sailed the Typhoon 19′, navigated around Jessup Neck in the Chris Craft and gathered around the bond fire to cook marshmallows. Fun Week End!
Reminder from John Byrne: in the announcement for the Savannah Zaf, the Kite Flying event will happen on Saturday afternoon. We will not be able to supply kites for those who are interested, hence a “BYOK” event. It should be fun. You probably won’t want to spend time at Walmart or similar. Check Amazon, LL Bean a shop in NYC that specializes…don’t forget the string and something to wind it around. NLDR: Trying to make your own ?
As per Joe Citarella, there is one grocery store on Tybee that is somewhat of a ripoff (very small and expensive) – for those of you planning to eat in sometimes (eg, for breakfast, maybe grilling for dinner?), there are major chain stores about 15 minutes from Tybee – Publix is close and there is a farm stand worth looking at. Also AJ’s Dockside is all location and just OK on food (ate there) – there are better choices.
The day of the Captain’s Meeting would be a good one to explore Savannah – the River Walk is worth seeing – parking is tight so you will have to pay, although as we are there off-season it might not be too bad.
While the sun rays of summer painted our wake gold and spread silver glitter on the waves, the New York table held a mid-week Zaf in Greenwich, CT. Twenty four attendees made this an almost record turnout. Nice way to welcome special Polish guests Jerzy Demetraki-Pleolog (Flag #28) and his shipmate Anna. Sparks will drive them down south for multiple visits including the Solomons table. Stay tuned; this blog will follow their journey.
It was also with great pleasure that we “reconnected” with Mindaugas (Paul and Dawn Gudelis) who sailed their Malo 36 “Bubu” to St. Augustine, the Bahamas, Cuba and back to Stamford.
The HELP page is available in the top menu. Written for each table’s scribe and website updater, it should remain a static page. But the “announcement” here created is basically a post. Be sure to visit this page as Big Hopper will give a brief presentation about the web site at the Tybee Zaf’s Captains meeting. Scribes are wholeheartedly invited to attend.
This post was concurrently created with the Help page itself. There is a PowerPoint presentation “bocus-intro.ppt” we have uploaded and linked to. An Acrobat file is available at bocus-intro.pdf
A separate procedure is coming soon, for easy upload of Tortuga Posts and First Watches, as these documents are presented as a sequentially dated multi-choice list.
Patrick reiterate the invitation to the Sailing Capital Annapolis August BOUCAN BOIL. ( See Calendar of Events ). Further info in the last First Watch. There is a limited number of bunks available. The table will arrange slips as necessary. Respond by email or phone.
It went so fast! On March 13, the Bienkowski hosted their “Farewell Zaf to Andrej” before he embarked on a round the Cape Horn sailing trip.
One can say “It’s old news…”. Let’s not denigrate such an accomplishment. Detroit of Magellan is not an easy cruise and remains an important passage in any sailor’s life.
On April 5, I already received the first picture from Andrea with the message “He Is Back! ”
We had to wait until Rascal’s Zaf on May 21 to hear more of his adventure.
The 53′ steel sloop Andrej joined is skipped by a young Dutch professional captain assisted by a young crew. A team of eight participated to the trip, three of them young women. Most of the watches were shared between the yacht’s crew, Andrej and the other Brother of the Coast … ???
Some of the pictures show that the boats are now way better equipped than Moitessier’s Joshua or Slocum’s Spindrift! Rigid cockpit canopies are standard. Hydraulic winches are at the ready. Storm stay sails, heavy duty furlers are the rule. And when they anchor, they do not even check the depth. an all chain tackle is set. All of it !
The yacht encountered 54 knots winds, thankfully enabling a somewhat comfortable running route.
Jungle Jane to comment: I found these photos from my 2 trips to Cape Horn, two from the circumnavigation of South America in 1996, the other of the ramp going up from a trip to Antarctica, in 1999. Is the Brotherhood flag still there?It is an exciting place to visit. Well done. Jane
Andrej Bienkowski – NY38 is a darn interesting Brother! It helps that he and his lovely Irene are throwing great Zafs such as the late brunch we shared this Sunday. We also enjoyed the healthy presence of “Rascal” who brilliantly went through a successful hip surgery process.
We all visited Andrej’s collection of Polish sabers, swords, stylets and cutlasses. We smelled his newly acquired “camphor wood” treasure chest. We looked at historical photographs of when he was boarded and “welcomed” by the US Coasts guards. This was when with four comrades,he had built a steel ketch and jumped the “liquid” iron curtain to escape socialist Poland.
We dug hard into his reserve of Vodka. And we raised a series of Orza’s to wish him fair winds and safe passage. Next Friday, Andrej is flying to Buenos Aires and Ushuaia. He will board a yawl to sail a double rounding of the Cape Horn. This seems to be a tradition and a “Rite od Passage” for our Polish friends. Among us was Andrej Gruszka who also had accomplished this feat a couple of years ago. We certainly will follow Andrej’s adventures in close to real time. We’ll try post AIS positions and maybe to relay some e-mail news!
Note: please comment on this post if you read it on a tablet or on a smart phone. Does the gallery of pictures show correctly? Is the loading page too latent?
Thank you for you feedback!
Cruz, our national captain and captive Michele visited the big apple on their return from the German Geese Festival. Ina, barely off the plane from the same gathering, pulled off her usual organisational skills and culinary prowess for her traditional holiday zaf.
From Philadelphia, attending a WordPress web software “camp” and enhancing, to enable communication between tables and Brothers, I really benefit from 1880 attendees who rapidly become friends and share the same enthusiasm and sense of sharing. Very Brotherly, I must say!
I miss the Zaf, but I hope some of you will post news and pictures as the Little Pirates parade. Brothers contributors to the site – usually the scribes – who are too far from their main PC to login and write though the “Dashboard”, please enjoy the Postit feature! It enables you to post via e-mail to the email address I did communicate to each table in my last eblast. In case you forgot it, feel free to call me (516) 672 3776. For spam reasons, I can not write it here!