
This is a link to . Rick Hoekstra aka Pescador, is the administrator of the account. He can customize orders and logos.

Rick Hoekstra
National Bosun BOC USA
rehsailor –Replace at sign–

BOC special pendants.
Please contact Rick directly.

Product Image

Other items might still be available, such as the BOC pin. PleaseĀ  Email Patrick Mills


Patrick Mills
$ 0.50 + Shipping

Many costume items are available at Jos Townsen, especially tricorns.

Jos Townsen Store
Jos Townsen Store

4 thoughts on “Store”

  1. roselyn britton

    I have several BOC patches which I purchased when Sam was National Captain.
    I will contact Patrick with the info, hopefully, tomorrow.

  2. roselyn britton

    I just found some BOC patches, etc. and will get the info to Patrick, hopefully, tomorrow.
    I purchased several for gifts, etc. when Sam was National Captain.
    I will let you know when I have sent the info to Patrick.

  3. Patrick,
    Do we have the email address for the Texas firm that has gear to order. It was discussed at the last Captain’s Table, I don’t remember which TX table said they would take the lead to get the info to everyone.
    Lee. 410 533-9212

    1. Hi Lee! As soon as I have that, I can post it in the BOCUS STORE page. Good idea! I advise not to put your telephone# in the open. This site is public.

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