
Andanada in Spanish, Bordée in French. A custom to celebrate a feat. In practice, a “Toast”. The Captain orders a Broadside to be fired or delegates a Brother to let fly a Broadside, to toast an individual, another Brotherhood, an action or a feat. The ritual is usually performed in Spanish and ends with a chorus of ORZA.
The Spanish Original:
Tripulación cargar baterías…Cañones de proa, apunten……….
– Brothers slamming the table: FUEGO !!!
Cañones de babor apunten…
– FUEGO !!!
Cañones de estribor apunten…
All together shout : OOOOORZAAAAA !!!!!!

In English:
Captain orders: Men, load batteries… . Bow guns, as you bear..
-All Brothers slam the Table: FIRE!!!
Larboard guns, as you bear…
Starboard guns, as you bear…
–All together shout : OOOORRZAAAAA!!!!!!