Ce n’est qu’un Au-Revoir, mes Frères…

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Audrey and Monty have the photos and slideshows on their SmugMug account. There are many of our Brothers and Captives who took the time and effort to send photos to make this great memory journey happen.  Many expressed their appreciation for everyone’s efforts.  The photos are to share with all Brothers worldwide.  The photos are right click protected. 

After clicking on a link you will see a page with multiple photos.  You can page through the photos one at a time with the arrow on the right side of the individual photo.  Below the group of photos are the page numbers. Use this to go to an individual page.  

ALL WORLD ZAFS – 1ST THROUGH 10TH 1,055 PHOTOS https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-jsBHTh
TABLES BY YEAR – 1,443 PHOTOS https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-39KTzv
10TH WORLD ZAF – GALVESTON 2023 335 PHOTOS https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-mSLXd9

She is currently adding photos to the 10th World Zaf and is just about done. She can add more at any time if anyone wants to share the photos they took during the event. Many have been snagged off of Facebook…with permission mostly!  ?
If anyone wants a copy of a photo or some photos “suitable for framing”, ? they can contact Audrey via email at [email protected].

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