Lately, BocusMaster has received a lot of emailed questions. We try to respond to the most frequent here. If you wish to have yours published – with your Battle Name or anonymously, please contact [email protected].
For privacy concerns, the roster is available in a password protected version. Most recent version is uploaded on a regular basis.
For consistency, maintaining the roster is only available to Brothers whose email has been approved by Rambo or The Chief, usually the Table Captains. Only these Brothers have managerial rights for their own table.
Pages are called by the menu. These contain static information like history. Posts are more like “last Edition” of a newspaper. Users which are “subscribers” usually receive an email related to that post.
All Brothers are Notable. Many have not departed yet. Their stories are published when the web master receives them. It can be out of chronology and years later..
Submit the write-up to Bocusmaster as a DOC or PDF. He will upload it as a PDF with the “NOTABLE” tag and Category. The system will automatically recognize it and include it in the list of Notable Brothers.
The “First Watch” PDF is BOCUS quarterly publication. It is usually emailed by every table captain to the Brothers as a PDF. To store it oh BOCUS, it has to be renamed as ff-yyy-2ndQ.pdf. This is the only way “Pretty-File-List will recognize and chronologically sort them.
If you wish to advertise a future event, please email all info to BocMaster. This include dates, location, price, pictures, full schedule and anything you already know about the event. For example, the 2026 South American International Zaf is still in its development stage. The event page will be amended as necessary. An automatic email is sent to all subscribers.
Some present a box where readers can add comments. These are usually moderated by Bocus Master prior their publication. We welcome your suggestions and questions. This activity keeps the site “alive” ! Don’t hesitate.
The actual host is But you can use or or They all forward to the “info” site.