The whole story of the present Brotherhood of the Coast starts on the 4th of April 1951 in Chile. Seven visionary sailors, whilst having dinner around a «Table», ventured to start a sailors’ fraternity to which they gave the name of Hermandad de la Costa.
One of the seven – a medical doctor from Europe who was awaiting his license to practice medicine in Chile – had the chance to roam all over the country by taking a temporary job as a salesman for a pharmaceutical laboratory, in the course of which he broadcast the idea of a brotherhood through all the Chilean sailing clubs. This simple and romantic brotherhood reawakened in the minds of sailors the great maritime legends of the past. The idea was promptly accepted by Chile’s sailing aficionados and was then carried further by Chilean naval and cultural attaches overseas – first to Europe then to other continents, thus enlarging the fraternity’s scope to international status.
Anselmo Hammer slept little more than four hours per night. Motivated by his faith in the new fraternity, he would start his day at three in the morning at his desk. Fluent in several languages he wrote letters and newsletters, later starting the first Brotherhood’s bulletin Abordajes to convey information and instruction as to the Brotherhood’s philosophical thrust. Brother Anselmo Hammer’s work, the newborn Brotherhood’s unchallenged engine, has been the prime factor of its growth. Simple and easygoing, he declined to accept the designation of number 1 of the Brotherhood, contenting himself with the number 2. When finally he acquired the doctoral (MD) equivalency, he dispensed freely his medical talents to those without money.
At Brother Anselmo Hammer’s demise, his widow organized all his written records in a file cabinet which she passed on to the next National Captain. As the years went by, foreign Brotherhoods, having lost Chilean guidance, became independent and freely developed their own fraternities, although adhering to the vision of their Caribbean forefathers. In 1976, at the time of my National Captainship, Dr. Hammer’s cabinet, which was thought to have been permanently lost, reappeared and was entrusted to Brother Aldo Devoto Pascualetti. When the cabinet was opened, its contents proved to be a veritable treasure trove: in Anselmo Hammer’s own handwriting the entire history of the Hermandad since its inception was revealed.
To enable a renewal of foreign contacts, the position of International Look-Out was created and entrusted to Brother Aldo Devoto. He has performed this assignment for more than a quarter of a century. As early as 1980, a very good relationship was reestablished with all countries, which permitted the organization of what is called “Europe Incursion” In the course of this, 42 Chilean Brothers and Captives embarked for the old continent to celebrate nine brilliant and brotherly Zafarranchos in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. In 1986, the first International Zaf was held in New York, sparking the idea of a World Zaf to be held every four years. These have since been held in Belgium (1990), Chile (1994) and Italy (1998), tightening our international bonds and permitting the discussion of norms to regulate the life of Brotherhoods in different countries.
However, the Written Word remains the most vital tool in ensuring the growth of the Brotherhood of the Coast: from communiques to letters, from memos to brochures, newsletters, manuals and books, whether published in Chile or elsewhere, and thanks to voluntary efforts from our Brothers, we have acquired an unbelievable bounty of sources and knowledge. But alas, after these documents have conveyed their message, they tend to be placed in the often inaccessible repository of archives and libraries.
We acknowledge today the important work of Brother J. Rial, whose objective is to leave to generations to come a synthesis of our knowledge in the form of an Encyclopedic Dictionary devoted to our Brotherhood. New Brothers will find herein notes on our history, customs, usages, rituals of the Brotherhood and biographies of our great men. This manual, with the contribution of many distinguished personalities of our Institution, is an unchallenged benefit for the whole Hermandad.
We hereby address our deep gratitude and our sincere congratulations to our Brother for this excellent book, a follow-up of an important career in information within the Brotherhood since Jacques Rial is also the creator of the Gazette Océane and the Tortuga Post.
Concepción (Chile) 28th of March 1998
Miguel Terregfrosa Einersen
Official publication of the Hermandad of Chile, published annually. Abordajes, was started in December 1955 by Anselmo Hammer . Through the years it has known different fortunes; initially handwritten and roneo typed, it became more sophisticated, but also more irregularly published. For a long time Abordajes was the sole source of information on the Brotherhood .
AIELLO, Gaetano
Brother #5 of the Venezuela Hermandad. Naval Engineer who crossed the Atlantic from Venezuela to Europe in 1983. Also sailed from Venezuela to Australia (1985). Circumnavigated South America around Cape Horn from East to West in 1988.
AIMONE, Cat Giovanni
Italian Brother #997 (Roma’s Table). Outstanding sailor. Celebrated by his polar expedition on board his fishing boat SAN GIUSEPPE.
AMILLAC, Henri, aka “Riquet la Bigorne”, GHM
Head dentist surgeon of the French Navy (retired). Brother #84 of France’s Toulon Table. For 20 years, after a spell as Bosun of the Fleet, he held the positions of Fleet Captain and subsequently, from 1984 to 1990 of National Captain of France. From 1992 to 1994 he held the position of International Look-Out. Relentlessly he inspired, organized and broadcasted the Brotherhood in France. His nautical career started at 8 on a self-built raft of drums which he sailed between the units of the French Navy moored in Toulon’s roadstead. All his life he stayed loyal to his beloved Mediterranean where he inaugurated several sailing clubs. Was awarded the GHM in 1998.
See Broadside
In 1997 a group of Chilean Brothers and guests from Argentina, Uruguay and USA inaugurated an Antarctica Table on the Chilean base of Prat. The Nao Cruz del Sur is thus the southernmost Table of the World. The creation of this Table fulfilled the dreams of the Chilean National Captain Oscar Ascui. At least three skippers of the Brotherhood have explored the Antarctica peninsula under sail from Tierra del Fuego, these are: Willy de Roos from Belgium, Alex Foucard and Jean Nydegger from the late Nef Océane.
The first Table was created in Argentina in 1953 after the first South American racing championship of STAR design monotypes, an event with numerous Chilean contenders. The first Argentina Table Nuestra Señora de los Buenos Aires folded after seven years of activity. In 1976 the Chilean Corregidor Aldo Devoto , GHM, managed to inaugurate a new Table at Lomas de Zamora, with Guillermo Ferro , GHM, as Captain. As of today, Argentina’s Brothers enjoy Tables at Lomas de Zamora, San Isidro, Mar del Plata, Puerto Olivos, Puerto de Tigre, Rio Lujan, San Fernando, La Victoria, Puerto Plata, Mendoza and Buenos Aires. In 1998 Argentina boasted 230 Brothers.
Italian name for Engagé (French) or Muchacho (Spanish).
Name given to the meeting of the National Captains during the International Zafarranchos. The National Captains Assembly is the supreme body of the Hermandad. The National Captain of the Country organizing the World Zafarrancho presides over the assembly. Assembly is also the name given in Chile to the meeting of the Captains of the different Tables ( Naos ). See also Counsels .
ATTIRE , battle-dress
Some Brotherhood events or functions are referred to as “battle-boucans.” Generally these events are dinners followed by a ball or party with the Captives. Buccaneer attire constitutes battledress.
ATTIRE (casual)
Casual attire is chosen by Brothers who meet outside Boucans or meet on non-Brotherhood events such as yachting gatherings, in which case suitable attire is constituted by a buttonhole Brotherhood pin (Chile) or, with a blazer, a Brotherhood tie in North America and Europe.
ATTIRE (formal)
Black or dark blue blazer, grey pants, black shoes, white shirt and Brotherhood tie. The jacket must feature the Brotherhood’s badge on the breast pocket. This attire is required at official Brotherhood ceremonies, functions, parties and galas. The attire may possibly be complemented by wearing a three-cornered hat or a scarf (bandanna) with Brotherhood logo. The Belgian Brothers wear in addition a black cape.
The first Table was created in Argentina in 1953 after the first South American racing championship of STAR design monotypes, an event with numerous Chilean contenders. The first Argentina Table Nuestra Señora de los Buenos Aires folded after seven years of activity. In 1976 the Chilean Corregidor Aldo Devoto , GHM, managed to inaugurate a new Table at Lomas de Zamora, with Guillermo Ferro , GHM, as Captain. As of today, Argentina’s Brothers enjoy Tables at Lomas de Zamora, San Isidoro, Mar del Plata, Puerto Olivos, Puerto de Tigre, Rio Lujan, San Fernando, La Victoria, Puerto Plata, Mendoza and Buenos Aires. In 1998 Argentina boasted 230 Brothers
An Emissary from Florida, Peter Heineman, created in 1999, a Table in the Abacos archipelago. Although established within an independent State, this new Table, with its many ties to the US Brotherhood, remains de facto an US-Table, at least until the probation period of two years is over. To be considered as the official Bahamian National Table the Abaco Table should by then confirm its true Bahamian identity.
See Scarf .
BARANOWSKI, Krzystof Tadeusz, aka”Chris”
Born in 1938, Brother #3 of the Polish Brotherhood, is a famed sailor, movie producer (30 documentaries on sailing), reporter, writer (12 books on sailing) and sailing instructor. He rounded the five Capes single-handed. Project manager of the Polish tall ship and designer of the POGORIA and FRYDERYK CHOPIN.
BARANSKI, Ziemowit L.
Brother #12 of the Polish Brotherhood, born in 1934, is a skipper and sailing instructor. Widely known as the skipper of tall ships such as Austria’s STORMVOGEL and Poland’sPOGORIA and FRYDERYK CHOPIN, Baranski took part in most tall ship races.
French canoeist and single-hand sailor. On his round-the-world voyage in 1951-1958 he was dubbed Brother #40 in Valparaiso by Founding Brother Anselmo Hammer . He lived aboard his boats LES 4 VENTS first and on INOXsubsequently, preferably in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. Back in France in 1995, he again set out to cross the Atlantic to Canada on his INOX at the age of 86 and a half. On the shores of Gaspesia, his boat went aground and the “Granddaddy” (as he was named by the French media) was saved by Canadian Coast Guards.Marcel, close to 90 years old, sailed back to France in mid-winter 1998-1999 in order to swallow the anchor. According to tradition, the French Brotherhood of the Coast owes its existence to one of his initiatives. Brother Bardiaux started on his Last Voyage on Feb.2, 2000.
BARRAULT, Jean-Michel, aka “La Plume”
French Brother of Isle de France’s Table, is a reporter and the writer of a score or so of books, the bulk of which addresses the sea and sail. His latest is a welcomed and highly acclaimed new look on Magellan. In recent years he has sailed on his own boats with his family. Jean-Michel is the promoter of the single-handed race sponsored by the newspaper Figaro. He is credited with two circumnavigations.
BEAT TO QUARTERS or All Hands on Deck
This was the old expression for our modern call “Action-Stations” where hammocks were slung out and brought up, and the ship made ready for combat. In the Brotherhood the term “Beat to quarters” is used to convene a meeting of the Table. See also Zafarrancho. In French-speaking countries the call to “Branle-Bas” means a call to a closed meeting of Brothers where Captives and friends are excluded.
Hermandad de la Costa ideals came to Belgium through a Chilean delegation of sailors who arrived to participate in an International regatta, and also through brochures from Founding Brother Hammer. These landed on the desk of Maurice Pauwaert, then Vice-Commodore of the Royal Belgian Sailing Club. Pauwaert, editor of the two nautical magazines Wandelaer and Sur l’Eau, published extracts of Anselmo Hammer’s brochures. A first Table was inaugurated in Ghent in 1955, followed by the creation of Tables in Brussels in 1956, Antwerpen in 1959, Nieuwpoort in 1962, and Zeebrugge in 1983. In 1990 the Belgian Brothers organized the memorable second World Zafarrancho . Belgian Tables are recognized today for their intense activity. There are presently 200 active Brothers in Belgium’s Brotherhood. Among these Brothers are such celebrities as Louis Van de Wiele , Guy Cappeliez , Staf Versluis , and the famous Willy De Roos , whose boat now rests in Antwerp’s Maritime Museum. The main event in the history of the Belgian Brotherhood was the purchase by Founder Brothers of a Sail Tuna Trawler from the Island of Groix which they sailed back to Zeebrugge (OPERATION MON REVE: Operation My Dream) in order to serve as a dormitory for young sailing cadets of the Royal Belgian Sailing Club.
Former British Honduras, saw the birth of a Brotherhood Table in 1995 sponsored by a group of Texan Brothers led by Jim Patterson. According to its Captain, with only five active Brothers (1999), Belize Table finds some difficulty in recruiting local Brothers.
BIASOTTI, Marcello Luis
Brother of Argentina, born in 1923, is a ocean racer, sail instructor, reporter and writer. He participated in ocean races until the age of 65. Marcello is the author of two works related to the sea: Historia del SOL and La cocina del navegante: relatos marineros y navegación gastrónomica.
Spanish expression coming from the word “Beachcomber.” Designates a drifter from port to port, seeking a berth. In Chile, this term is applied to someone seeking to become an Engagé or Muchacho .
BIDEGARAY, Juanaka “Bebeto”, GHM
A familiar figure of the Uruguay Brotherhood. Bebeto is a former Olympic racer and retired CEO of a shipping company. Founding Brother in 1957 of the Montevideo Brotherhood Table, bearing #1, he is highly respected within the Brotherhood as a moral authority. He was instrumental in the creation of several National Tables.
A particularly foul-smelling place in old boats, where wastewater collects. The French name issentine, the Spanish call it sentina. In Chile a punished Brother during a Zafarrancho can be temporarily ignored by his peers and is said to be “enviado a la sentina” or sent to the bilges.
French navigator lost at sea. After his TAHITI-NUI raft was submerged and its crew saved by the Chilean boat BANQUEDANO, Eric was made Brother of the Coast in 1957 in Valparaiso. With the generous help of the Chileans, a new raft was built at Constitución for Eric to make a new attempt at the East -West passage to Polynesia, bearing the Hermandad flag at the mast of TAHITI-NUI 2. Eric died in the shipwreck of his raft on the atoll of Rakahanga August 1958.
BLONDEAU, Frère Bruno aka”Ventre à Terre”
Canadian missionary whose calling brought him to the Island of Tortuga near Haiti . Twice Brother, “Frère des écoles chrétiennes” (Brother of Christian seminaries) and Brother of the Coast. Twice dubbed, once by Astrolabe in Haiti and confirmed by Brother Peter Hesse of the Table of Düsseldorf. This follower of Father Riou was the Captain of an atypical Table composed of working fishing boat owners. This Tortuga Table was never really recognized by the Hermandad in spite of its historical heritage. As of 1999, Brother Ventre à Terre has returned to Canada.
BLONDIAU, Jean aka”Babelut”
Belgian Brother, Skipper of the EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY BELGIUM in the 1982/83 Whitbread race.
BOEHM, Adi aka “Adolfo di Germania”
Brother #1 of the German Brotherhood. Founder of the Bavarian Table. International Look-Out for Germany’s Brotherhood. Adi is also a skipper and professional sailing instructor in the Adriatic.
BOGUCKI, Dariusz M.
Polish Brother #22 born in 1927. Was National Captain from 1978 to 1982. Dariusz is a skipper, naval architect, and CEO of a shipping company. He logged more than 100,000 miles on board tall ships such as GEDANIA (boat built from his plans) and mostly sailed in polar regions, crossing both polar circles on one cruse. Dariusz is also known as a lecturer and columnist.
BONNET, Xavier aka “Méaban”, GHM
French Brother #20 of Brittany’s Table, born opposite the island of Méaban from which he retains his nom de guerre. He has sailed continually since acquiring his first boat in 1958. In October 1962, he was noticed by the Brotherhood initiators and made Brother, the youngest of the Fleet. Since then he devoted himself to the Brotherhood and became France’s National Captain, then later became Look-Out for more than 10 years. Blue Star and GHM in 1998.
Represents the cash-flow of a Table or the Brotherhood under the Spanish word Botín in Chile.
The Bosun is the third dignitary in the Brotherhood hierarchy after the Captain and Scribe . He is responsible for the organization of meetings,Boucans. The bosun is also the moderator and responsible for the protocols in any Captives activities of the table. He may also be called to other tasks by the Captain. His job description is similar to the Chilean Contramaestre and Bosco in french speaking Brotherhoods.
BOTASSIS, Gianni †
Italian Brother #858 from the Table of Milano. His great activity as a writer and columnist contributed greatly to the Brotherhood’s prestige. His articles and books praised the love of the sea and sail. For many years he was the editor of the column Tortuga in the magazine Vela e motore.
The word comes from the Carribean language and was used by certain tribes to designate the site where enemy prisoners were roasted. The first settlers on the island of Tortuga were named boucaniers, or in English buccaneers. A.O. Exmelin, in his chronicle of the Brethren of the Coast, is adamant that these first settlers limited their Boucan to smoking and roasting the products of their hunts for preservation of animal meat. The lively gatherings around the fire of these first barbecues, were called by extension “Boucan”. The modern gatherings of our Brotherhood inherited the name. In France, a “boucan” is a gathering where captives and friends are invited, whereas a “Branle-bas” is restricted to Brothers. See alsoBeat to Quarters and Zafarrancho. Note: In French, “boucanier'” is the name given to the privateer or ” flibustier ” when he was ashore hunting, whereas the English term “Buccaneer” designates the privateer at all times. A buccaneer therefore is not to be confused with a pirate. See also Frères de la Côte (Brethren of the Coast).
Several attempts were made to establish an Hermandad in Brazil. A first attempt was made by the Belgian Emissary Brother Jacques Desmedt assisted by Brother Jean Somerhausen , Belgian consul-general of Belgium in Rio de Janeiro, in 1984. Another Belgian Brother Paul de Schrijver, a member of this first Table, tried in vain to maintain it. An Emissary from Chile, Jose de Val created a second table in Brazilia. This Table foundered as well. A third attempt was made in 1995 in Belo Horizonte de Minas de Gerais by Humberto Baptistas da Costa, Emissary from Portugal assisted by INSECO. This present Table is active and boasts 30 Brothers.
see Frères de la Côte
Andanada in Spanish, Bordée in French. A custom to celebrate a feat. In practice, a “Toast”. The Captain orders a Broadside to be fired or delegates a Brother to let fly a Broadside, to toast an individual, another Brotherhood, an action or a feat. The ritual is usually performed in Spanish and ends with a chorus of ORZA.
The Spanish Original:
Captain orders :Tripulación cargar baterías…Cañones de proa, apunten……….
Brothers slamming the table: FUEGO !!!
Captain orders: Cañones de babor apunten…
Brothers slamming the table: FUEGO !!!
Captain orders: Cañones de estribor apunten…
Brothers slamming the table: FUEGO !
All together shout : OOOOORZAAAAA !!!!!!
In English
Captain orders: Men, load batteries… . Bow guns, as you bear..
All Brothers slam the Table: FIRE!!!
Captain Orders : Larboard guns, as you bear…
All Brothers slam the Table: FIRE !
Captain Orders: Starboard guns, as you bear…
All Brothers slam the Table: FIRE !
All together shout : OOOORRZAAAAA!!!!!!
Word equivalent to the French Confrérie or to the Spanish Hermandad. All Brothers, world over, belong to the Brotherhood of the Coast. The Brothers of a same country belong to a National Brotherhood provided the country has two or more Tables. With only one single Table in a country, one should name it preferably a National Table. In the seventeenth century, Frères de la Coste in French and Brethren of the Coast in English, were used respectively in Tortuga and Jamaica. The Chilean Founders of the modern fraternity translated the above denominations to the Spanish expression Hermandad de la Costa. The British Tables, however, wished to be called by the French label Frères de la Côte and the USA members chiefly utilize the modern appellation Brotherhood of the Coast. Hermandad, however, is used by all Brotherhoods in deference to the Founders.
CABRERA, Remberto, Dr, GHM†
Founder and Captain of the Chilean Table of Copiapó-Caldera. Founder of a scuba-diving club called “Barracuda,” Remberto was also the head of the Atamaca’s “Hunting and Fishing” association. To interest youths in nautical sports, he organized several nationwide events in the Caldera harbor. To him we owe the great nautical feasts which were held in 1970 and 1972 in the same harbor. After his death, the Hermandad and all the sea-going community erected a memorial in the Bahia Salado facing the Ocean. The memorial site is presently known as Remberto Cabrera Beach. Every 23rd of June, Brothers of the Coast, fishing people and sea lovers meet there to celebrate his memory.
Founder of the first Table Argentina’s, “Nuestra Señora de los Buenos Aires” (1953). Ernesto won a Olympic vice-championship on a Dragon design and the Argentina championship in the Dragon Class.
Spanish word for Cove.
CAMEJO , Daniel
Brother #27 of the Venezuela Brotherhood. Architect. Crossed 6 times the Atlantic on his 95-foot CARIBANA. Sailed the Carribean many times.
Spanish word for “the “helm”. In South America, a Brother wishing to speak requests permission to take the “helm.”
CAPPELIEZ, Guy, aka “Windvane”
Brother of the Coast from Belgium #137 of the Table of Ghent. Guy and his Captive Viviane circumnavigated (1966-1969) without incident. Theirs was the first Belgian sailing vessel to call in New Zealand and Indonesia.
CAPTAIN GENERAL of the Brothers of the Coast
Up to 1995, and for 40 years, the highest rank of the Brotherhood was the Captain General and was considered the highest authority in the World Hermandad. The Chilean Brotherhood did away with that function and title in 1995. The eleventh and last Captain General was Raúl Sitnisky, BDO.
Name given to a wife or girl-friend, steady or not, by a Brother of the Coast. Although there are no written rules on the subject of women, they are not generally admitted to the rank of Brother of the Coast. This springs from the tradition of the Buccaneers as a man’s world. However, some national Tables, such as those in USA and Italy, will admit women as “Brothers” providing they are captains in their own right. The basis of this latter attitude rests on the history of Mary Read, Ann Bonny and others. Another exception is the attribution of the rank of Brother to widows of deceased Brothers of the Coast. These decisions were very controversial and severely contested within the Hermandad. On the other hand, any well-bred buccaneer is supposed to have an honored, respected and admired Captive. Captives give to the Boucan its color and charm. See also Statutes , Louves de Mer .
Italian Brother #601 from the Table of Venice. A circumnavigator, he is well remembered for his cruises to Cape Horn and the Pole. Alex sailed all the seas.
CAZALET, Georges-Edouard, aka La Bricole
French Brother # 100. At the age 24, in 1960, Georges was sailing a “Star”. Eventually he befriended Alain Guiauchain, later to become Grand Frère of the Fleet of Provence and who acquainted him with the Brotherhood. Alain suggested to Georges,in 1971, to start a Table in Marseille. In spite of a severe accident in 1975, Marseilles’ Brothers elected La Bricole as their Grand Frère. It was only in 1983 that “La Bricole” was replaced in his capacity of Grand Frère, when he left for Asia in his 1913 gaff rigged cutter KARIN with Françoise Moitessier, his wife. Both Georges and Françoise are presently strongly moored in Provence’s hills where they greet traveling Brothers and where they are writing their books. La Bricole , co-Founder of the Greek Table, told of his convalescence-cruise in a book entitled “ Un Ocean pour revivre”.
Many Chilean ceremonies became traditions in other Countries. Details of ceremonies are described in Ordenanzas y Protocolos . For instance, the conduct of a Zafarrancho is described as a symbolic cruise starting with the Introït followed by Trazado de rumbo, a Rhumb line finishing with a prayer . Other ceremonies are described for the Induction , the Changing of the Guard and the Last voyage (or Final Passage) of a deceased Brother.
Expression used at the election of the dignitaries of the Table or the Brotherhood.
CHANGING ones appurtenance
see Membership
In certain French Tables the chaplain assists the Bosun . The task of the chaplain is to enforce good moral conduct and good manners. He also looks to the welfare of the Captives .
CHILE, Founding Nation of the modern Brotherhood of the Coast
In 1951, following a course in sailing in Valparaiso, a group of expert sailors and novices became accustomed to meet and talk about the sea and navigation. Dr Alfonso Leng, one of the friends from Santiago, suggested that these meetings become a tradition. On April 4 of the same year, a sailing fraternity was created in Santiago with seven members. The Brotherhood’s present name was adopted several months later after one member, Dr Anselmo Hammer , compared their association to the seventeenth-century Brethren of the Coast. The equivalent Spanish name Hermandad de la Costa stayed. A moral code, the Octalog , was also suggested by Dr Anselmo Hammer; it was adopted on Nov. 7, 1951. The Brothers decided that any new member joining the Hermandad needed to abide by the Octalog. The Brotherhood grew swiftly, relying mainly on sailing competitions to recruit new members. In 1952, a Table was inaugurated in Valparaiso. Ten years later, there were many more Tables, stretching from North to South: Arica, Iquique, Tocopilla, Antofagasta, Taltal, Coquimbo-La Serena, Ovalle-Tongoy, Valparaiso, Santiago, Angol, Concepción, Talcahuano, Valdivia, Puerto Montt and Punta Arenas. Some disappeared and others were created in the following years, such as Copiapó-Caldera, Huasco-Vallenar, Constitución, Calbuco, Castro, Villarica, Isla de Pascua (Easter Island), Puerto Williamsand Antarctica(Cruz del Sur). In 1988 the Tables of Mulchen and Coronel were created. The ideals of the Brotherhood of the Coast spread far and wide, mostly thanks to Dr Alfonso Hammer : 1952, England; 1953, Italy and Argentina; 1955, Belgium and Spain; 1957, Uruguay and Peru; 1959, USA; 1960 Australia; 1963, France; 1966, Poland; 1973, Senegal; 1976, Switzerland and Germany; 1977, El Salvador; 1978, Japan; 1980, Mexico; 1984, Venezuela and Brazil; 1985, Greece; 1987, Ireland and Portugal; 1991, Nef Oceane; 1994; 1995, Belize and Norway; 1998, Turkey and Hungary; 1999 Bahamas, Netherlands, Haiti-Tortuga and Dominican Republic. For more than 40 years the Chilean Hermandad, represented by its Captain General, has been considered the leader of the whole World Brotherhood. The complexity of international relationship, born from the growth of Brotherhood in so many countries, required a rethinking of the initial historical structures of the Brotherhood. At the 1994 Zafarrancho in Chile, it was decided to create SECOIN an international body to help coordinate each National Brotherhood’s activities. SECOIN stands for SEcretaria de COordinación INternacional. The coordination body has no authority but acts as an advisory board. INSECO was run by Chile from 1994 to 1998 and was transfered to Switzerland in 1998 at the Fourth World Zafarrancho in Italy. Whatever the weight new institutions within the Brotherhood may carry, Chile’s Hermandad, in the eyes of all Brothers world over, will retain its historical moral authority.
CHILEAN Honorary Distinction
The Chilean Hermandad rewards its own Brothers for exceptional services rendered to the Brotherhood : A Gold Merlin is given by the Captain of a local Table; a Gold Star is given by the National Captain; a Gold Steering Wheel by the Assembly of Captains and the Counsel of 15. These distinctions are added to the buttonhole’s Brotherhood pin. See GHM , Letter of Marque , Stars .
Several Brothers have accomplished the feat of sailing round the world, either racing or cruising, some single-handed, some with a crew. Without claiming to be complete or up-to-date we can list the following Brothers: Bardiaux , Barrault , Braet, Cappeliez, Carozzo, Colas , Dimarzo , Echaniz , Fehlman , Lilla , Pieske , Schippers , Stern-Veyrin , Tabarly , Uriburu , Van de Wiele , etc…
COLAS, Alain †
Brother from Isle de France Table. Alain was trained by Eric Tabarly. Winner of the OSTAR race in 1972 on board PEN DUICK IV (Future MANUREVA). Single-handed circumnavigation. Started the building of CLUB MED to enter OSTAR race of 1976. Lost at sea Nov. 16, 1978 at age 35 whilst sailing MANUREVA in the “Route du Rhum” Challenge. France followed Alain’s career and its final outcome with passion and sorrow.
COLOANE, Francisco
Brother #955 of the Santiago Table in Chile. Born in 1910 in Chile, he was the son of a whaler. Celebrated writer on subjects related to the sea and Chile’s deep South. Francisco received the National Grand Prize of Literature from the Chilean Republic. He is well known overseas and particularly in France where the publisher Phoebus translated to French his Cabo de Horns, Tierra del Fuego and El último Grumete de la Baquedano. Available in English: Cape Horn and other stories from the End of the World (published 1991).
COMMODORE, Grand Commodore
Italian name borrowed from the British maritime and yachting traditions. Grand Commodore is the title given to the National Captain. Commodore is a title given to past Grand Commodores and to Connetables with exceptional merits.
French word for Brotherhood.
In the Spanish naval tradition Connetable was the gunnery officer commanding a battery. In Italy, the word is used to address a Brother distinguished for services rendered to the Brotherhood. In Chile, the Connetable is the rating given to the Brother in charge of the Bichicumas and muchachos for their training.
Literally translated, it means Counsel of Elder Brothers. In Chile this Counsel is composed by the seven eldest active Brothers of the Hermandad, symbolically representing the seven Founding Brothers, with the eldest of the elders representing Alfonso Leng, their First National Captain. Members of this counsel are life members and each is replaced by the oldest Brother in line after his demise. The counsel’s task is to assist the highest bodies of the Brotherhood with their knowledge of traditions and the wisdom acquired by age.
A Chilean Hermandad counsel made of an Assembly of 15 Captains (Asamblea de los Capitanes de Naos) elected for two years. Five Captains each representing the North of Chile, Central Chile and Southern Chile. The Counsel of 15 decides matters of national import, by which the Chilean Captaincy and Hermandad are to abide.
Highest ruling body of the Italian Brotherhood. The counsel gathers around the National Captain (Gran Commodoro) the Luegotenente , lieutenants, Captains of local Tables plus other dignitaries such as Commodores, Connetables, etc.
Bosun or Quarter-Master in English, Bosco or Quartier-Maître in French. Traditionally an officer charged to handle the ship in the Spanish navy. Transposed to the Chilean Hermandad, the Contramaestre assists the Captain and checks that the Captain orders are fulfilled. The Contramaestre also has the responsibility of maintaining morale during the meetings.
In the old spanish colonial administration, the Corregidor held the post of the King’s Chancellor in towns of a certain size. The Chilean Hermandad has two Corregidores, one in Santiago, the other in Valparaiso. Their task is to greet and host visiting foreign Brothers.
Most of the National Brotherhoods adopted the Chilean custom to establish a ruling Counsel involving the Captains of the different local Tables.
The Assembly of National Captains decided at the Second World Zafarrancho in Brussels, (1990) to set up a body of five experienced Brothers whose task was to unify the tradition and to coordinate the activities of the Brotherhood. The counsel never met, but can be considered as a first attempt towards a better organization at an international level. see SECOIN.
COUNSEL of Grands Frères
In France, also known as the Counsel of the Fleet , convenes the National Captain of France, Scribe, Bosun , Captains of the different Fleets and eventually chosen Brothers either for their expertise or wisdom.
COUNSEL of the Elders
Called in France “Conseil des Sages” in Italy “Comitato dei Sette Saggi” It gathers the Founding Brothers of the country’s Brotherhood, Fleet and past National Captains . Its task is to insure respect of the traditions and rules. One of its responsibilities is to appoint the country’s International Look-Out. See Consejo de los Hermanos Mayores.
Name of the annual publication of the French Brotherhood. It is up to the Fleet of the National Captain to ensure its publication during the four years of his mandate.
COUSTEAU, Jacques Yves †
Navigator and explorer (1910). Became Brother of the Coast in 1978 in Arica,Chile, holding #1355. Celebrated for his underwater explorations, he was a member of the Academy of Science. Started his final voyage on June 25, 1997.
Two Brothers belonging to the same Table say they belong to the same “cove”, caleta in Spanish.
On Jan. 5, 1997 Brother Oscar Ascui Caraves headed an expedition of 35 Chilean, Argentinian, Uruguayan and USA guest Brothers towards Antarctica , starting from Puerto Montt. On Jan. 8, they reached the Chilean base “Capitán Arturo Prat” and inaugurated the southernmost Table of the World, named “Cruz del Sur” (Southern Cross). Its first Captain is the commanding officer of the base, Brother Rodolfo Valdenegro, and admitted to the table were one muchachoand 4 Bichicumas.
As of today more than 400 Brothers have Internet access. Thanks to the efforts of Brother Bernard Lefèvre aka “Brise-Galets”, all can be reached by e-mail. To be listed on Bernard’s e-mail roster, Brothers can send an e-mail with their name and address to . A few Brotherhoods have now their own website, most of them linked to other Brotherhood sites. Most pertinent information on the Brotherhood, listings of wired brothers, The Tortuga Post , the worldwide Roster of the Brotherhood, a calendar of events and much more can be posted or downloaded from Brother Brise-Galets site
DAGGER AWARD (Otorgar el Puñal)
In Chile, a custom whereby the Captain of a Table, at a local Boucan, may reward a Brother for some accomplishment by lending him his own dagger.
DE CLERCQ, Roger aka”Robin des Isles” †
With Brother Jean Vandernoot , Founder of the Belgian Brotherhood, Robin des Isles was the author of the book: A 13 sur un Thonier. He made his last voyage in 1996.Belgium
DE ROOS, Willy aka “Bilits”
Belgian Sea adventurer of Dutch origin, and Brother #202 from the Table of Brussels. Born in 1923, Willy made a career in business and navigation. He accomplished the unique feat of forcing the Northwest Passage under sail and single handed without overwintering (It took three years and a whole crew on the 47 T sloop GJOIA for Amundsen to accomplish the same feat in 1903-06.) Bilits was one of the first to circumnavigate the Americas, as well as being one of the first to sail the Antarctica . His boat, the WILLIWAW is now part of the National Scheepvaart Museum Antwerpen. Willy is also Brother of the Chilean Table Valdivia under the #1239. His books Passage du Nord-Ouest (1979), Inaccessible Horizon (1985), Seul dans le sillage des Caravelles (1989) are well known. North-West Passage has been translated but is now out of print. For his Northwest Passage feat he received the Blue Water Medal from the Cruising Club of America.
see Last voyage.
see Marooned .
DESERT, Philippe aka “Abrasif”, GHM.
Brother 114 of Normandy’s Table in France. National Captain of France from 1985 to 1988. He sailed extensively on his sailing boat MIA MICK. GHM in 1990. Philippe was Emissary to the foundation of the Brotherhoods of Ireland and Greece .
Aldo has been the Chilean Look-Out or more than two decades. He refloated the Argentina Table in Lomas de Zamora in 1976. Honorary member of the Brotherhoods of Italy, Venezuela and Australia. Editor of Abordajes and co-editor of the The Tortuga Post . Former president of the SNIPE dinghy class and of the Chilean Federation of Yachting. Aldo started on his Last Voyage on March 6, 2000.
DI FRANCO, Francesco
Brother #1202 of the Padua Table of Italy’s Brotherhood. Francesco is also Connetable , writer and meteorologist. He is author of many books, including a textbook of meteorology for navigators .
Brother Di Martino is Luogotenente (Captain) of Sardegna’s Table of the Italian Brotherhood, with #892. Gran Commodoro of the Italian Brotherhood since 1995, he organized the Fourth World Zafarrancho in 1998. His passion is sail racing and he has entered most of the Mediterranean races. Although a sail fan, he has no objections to other forms of navigation. For Edilio, “love of the sea” is the foremost objective, but he believes that sailing is the most romantic way to achieve this goal.
DIMARZO, Vincente
Brother #8 of the Venezuela Hermandad and publicist. Vincente sailed extensively in the Carribean from Venuezela to Florida. Aboard his SARQUIS, a 42′ Morgan, he sailed across the Atlantic to Europe and back, also accomplishing an East-West circumnavigation, followed by a sail from Venezuela-Hawaii-Alaska In 1988.
In 1999 an Italian Brother from the Table of Forli, HM Ellero Tamburini, living in the Dominican Republic, has created a first Dominican Table at Montecristi, a small resort of the northern coast. Little is known about its activity so far.
Brother #3 of Venezuelan Hermandad. This businessman thrice crossed the Atlantic between 1980 and 1981. Sailed the Mediterranean from Gibraltar to Greece. His Amel 53-foot sailboat ZENA foundered on the rocks of Bonaire Island in the Carribean because a faulty lighthouse.
see Membership
Old Spanish currency in gold, much prized by the buccaneers. Now, the local national currency is called “doubloon” or “pieces of eight” by the Brothers of the Coast of that country.
EBERHARDT, Werner “John” aka”Gonfleur”, GHM
In 1978 at the creation of the Table of the “Solent,” John was the driving force of the British Brotherhood. Presently the National Look-Out of U.K., he held the position of National Captain with great enthusiasm in the 80s. For 40 years his relationship with the sea included scuba-diving and offshore racing in the 60s. Thereafter, converting to sail, he took part in numerous races in the Solent, English Channel, Mediterranean, Atlantic and Carribean seas. He is also very active in the Brotherhood, having been instrumental in the foundation of the Tables of Savannah and Bergen.
Italian Brother #829 of Torino Tableand Commodore of the Italian Fratelli della Costa. On his sailboat HASTA SIEMPRE he retraced the steps of Christopher Columbus, followed by a round-the-world cruise. During a stop-over in Caracas he started the Brotherhood of Venezuela.see Circumnavigation
In Spanish: Throw to the sharks, see Marooned.
see New Perspectives.
Salvadorian medical student Jorge E. Osorio, made Brother in Chile’s Table of Arica, started a Table in his country in 1977, an attempt which failed due to political instability and violence.
A Brother assigned by his country’s Brotherhood to a diplomatic mission in another country. He will be the carrier of a Letter of Marque. Such missions may include the creation of a new Table, conveying gifts or messages etc… An Emissary officially represent his country’s Brotherhood in a Zafarrancho.Grand Emissary was the former title given to the Swiss National Captain.
The seventeenth-century term “Engagé” was the French equivalent of “Indentured servant” in America. Like others furnishing passage to the American colonies, buccaneers imposed the custom of servitude on newcomers who did not have money to pay their own passage to the New World. The newcomer was sold by the captain of the incoming ship to a buccaneer (or settler) who became the Master of the “Engagé”. After a period of three years of servitude (which represented near slavery), the “Engagé” recovered his liberty and became a buccaneeror a freebooter in his own right.If he had the means, he could, on his own turn, purchase an indentured servant. All National Tables of the Hermandad practice a similar custom. Before being eligible to become a “Brother,” the newcomer spends a period with the status of “Engagé” or aspirant. During this period the candidate is evaluated as to his merits. In Spanish the aspirant is named muchacho and induction is called “Enganche.”
Rules of behaviour on board and, in general, within the Brotherhood. It is expected that Brothers pay special attention to the traditional courtesy rules and maritime etiquette.see Attire , Ceremonial , Jolly Roger , Pennant , Scarf , Three-cornered hat , etc.
FEHLMANN, Pierre, aka”Vert Adam”
Brother of the Swiss Brotherhood born in 1942, he was an engineer by profession. Won the 1962 European championship in the “VAURIEN” design category and became vice-champion in the “505” design class in 1967. From 1976 on, Pierre took part in most ocean races such as the Ostar, Whitbread, which he won in real time in 1986 on UBS-SWITZERLAND, Lorient-St Barth and Quebec-St Malo races. He then espoused the idea of a monotype circumnavigation , which was not taken up. In 1996, he prepared the Swiss challenger for the America’s Cup, but pulled out in 1998.
Chilean Brother of the Coquimbo-La Serena Table. He built a catamaran named SAGITAURO which he sailed in February 1997 to Arica, the Galapagos, the Marquesas, Papeete, Morea, Bora-Bora and numerous other Polynesian Islands. He sails with two other Brothers: René Pacheco and Patricio Letellier.
FERRO, Guillermo, GHM
Argentinian Brother who in 1976 refloated, with the help of Aldo Devoto, Argentina’s Brotherhood.Don Guillermo, as he is called by his friends, is a veteran of the Nautical Club of San Isidro. Unofficial Record Holder of passages Buenos Aires-Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay). Former National Captain of Argentina, Don Guillermo is quite a figure in South America.
A Swiss engineer who resides in the USA, he is a highly respected Brother of the New York Table (#51). N.Y. Table’s Captain, National Captain USA, member of the former Counsel of 5, then International Look-Out in 1997. René organized the First World Zafarrancho in 1986 and the first “All America” Zafarrancho in 1996.
FIGURES and FACTS as of Year 2000
Botherhood of the Coast boasts 27 National Brotherhoods with some120 local Tables
World brotherhood population of some 2750 Brothers, 4 National Publications,1 International Bulletin .Oldest Table: Chile 1951; Most recent Tables: Paraguay, 2000, Bahamas, Dominican Rep. and Haiti 1999 .Most Southern Table: Cruz del Sur (Chilean Antarctica) Most Northern Table: Bergen (Norway).ThreeNational Tables are landlocked: Switzerland, Hungary and Paraguay. The most populated Brotherhoods are:Italy: 800 Brothers and Aspirants; Chile: 610 Brothers; France: 300 of which15 reside in new Caledonia and 15 in Tahiti; Argentina: 230 Brothers; Belgium 200 active Brothers; USA: some 150 Brothers; Uruguay: some 100 Brothers
Name of the first North American Brotherhood newsletter. First Watch is published when ever there is enough material to make it worth while. It is now published on the web about once a year. It is intended that the Scribe of each Table downloads and distributes what ever copies are required by his Table. Brothers on line can view it on line or download as they wish.
In Australia, title given to the National Captain.
See Boucan.
“Flotte” in French, is a term used in France, to designate a group of Tables within a district or region.
Rules to create a new Table in a foreign country have been subject to much discussion among the National Captains. A tradition was created and recorded by INSECO in summer 1998, which gives recommendations as to the procedures to be observed. See appendix “Guidelines”.
FORN, Alvares
One of the Founding Brothers of Argentina’s Brotherhood, he was a famous International racer who sailed in the Atlantic, Pacific and Cape Horn . Alvares is also a writer of repute having published nautical chronicles and navigation manuals under the pen name “Hormiga Negra”, the Black Ant.
FOUCARD, Alex, aka”Captain Horn”
Brother# 12 of the late Nef Océane , now Brother of the Isle de France Table (Paris), Alex is probably the Brother who has seen Cape Horn from his sailboat the most times. Since the end of the 80′ his home base has been Ushuaia, where he charters his CROIX ST PAUL II. He has rounded the Horn more than 40 times and crossed the Drake Channel at least eight times to reach Antarctica .
Seven persons led to the foundation of the Hermandad de la Costa in 1951: Dr Alfonso Leng , Dr Anselmo Hammer , Raul Macerata, Dr Miguel Romero, Raul Molinare, Ruperto Vergara and Miguel de la Barra. All these Founding Brothers are now deceased (i.e., they have undertaken their Last voyage) . The tradition of having seven Brothers to start a new Table has been maintained.
FRANCE go to map France, go to map Polynesia
After his celebrated circumnavigation, it seems that Marcel Bardiaux , Brother of the Chilean Table of Valparaiso, brought to France the idea of the Brotherhood of the Coast. He strongly suggested to Loïc Garçon to enquire about the Belgian Brotherhood in Ghent. On the other side of the ocean, a diplomat, Millet de Frayssinet, secretary for Free France in Chile, then posted to Valparaiso, was made Brother. Brother de Frayssinet made the necessary contacts with Anselmo Hammer . It was thus, with the backing of the Chilean General Captaincy, that the first Table of France was inaugurated on Feb. 6, 1963 in Rennes. The increase in the number of Tables provided the impetus to gather the Tables of a same region into Fleets. These first Fleets were: Normandy, Isle de France (with Paris), Flanders, Mediterranée, Gascogne. The French Brotherhood has spread overseas to Tahiti and New Caledonia. French Brothers created, refloated or helped to inaugurate Tables in other Countries such as Switzerland, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Spain. Presently the French Brotherhood boasts some 300 Brothers, including 15 each in Tahiti and New Caledonia, and there are now nine Fleets as follows: Brittany, Flanders (includes Table of Flanders and Septentrion), Gascony, Isle de France (Paris), Mistral (Tables of Sète, Marseilles, Lion-Tramontane), New Caledonia, Normandy, Polynesia, Provence-Levant (Tables of Côte d’Azur, Corsica and Toulon).
Literal translation is “Brethren of the Coast”. American use the terms “Brotherhood of the Coast” and British use the French “Frères de la Côte” to refer to their Brotherhood. Sea Adventurers, Flibusters (also Filibusters or Freebooters), Buccaneers gathered, in the second half of the seventeenth Century, to establish an organized company with rules observing a strict respect to the “customs of the Coast”. They formed a very closely knit society which they named Frères de la Côte in Tortuga. The Founding Brothers of our own Brotherhood were inspired by the closeness of this fraternity which led them to chose the name of the Brotherhood. Such artifacts as the word ” Pirate ,” black pennants featuring skulls and cross-bones, which belong to other traditions and to Hollywood movies or to other times, should logically be banned from the Brotherhood vocabulary. Such is not always the case, particularly as when sounding the Beat to Quarters and at Zafarranchos . See also Boucan , Engagé , Jolly Roger .
Twice-yearly publication of Nef Océane Table of which the first issue came out in 1992. La Gazette Océane stopped its publication when the Nef Océane chose to scuttle in 1999.
An honor created in 1952 by Chilean Brothers. The first recipients were Jorge Gardeweg, Eric Carlsen, Marcel Bardiaux , Carlos Torres Hevia, Alfredo Hoffman and Gustavo Carvallo. In the past 20 years the following Brothers were given the GHM distinctions, in Great Britain: John Eberhardt ; in Argentina: Guillermo Ferro and Hector Calegaris; in Australia, Richard Mills ; in Belgium: Alphonse Thielemans , Georges Wilmaers , and Willy De Roos ; in Chile: Jorge Salgado , Remberto Cabrera , Raul Lopez Silva, Miguel Torregosa , Claudio Fernandez, Aldo Devoto and honorary GHM was given to Admiral Jorge Martinez Busch; in Greece: André Hadzopoulos ; USA: René Fiechter ; France: Philippe Désert , Xavier Bonnet and, Henri Amillac ; Italy: Alfredo Martini , Ettore Echaniz , Carlo Zedda, Gianni Paulucci and Edilio Di Martino ; late Nef Océane: Olivier Stern-Veyrin ; Poland: Boleslav Kowalski ; Switzerland: Bernard Janet ; Uruguay: Bebeto Bidegaray ; Venezuela: . GHM is an honor awarded to individuals which have rendered exceptional services to the Brotherhood or have accomplished uncommon nautical feats. GHM is the highest distinction awarded by the Chileans and also considered as the most prestigious world-wide. The recipients receive a diploma and a plaque and are allowed to follow their names by the letters GHM or GM.
GERARD, André, aka Fast-Quette, Red Star
Brussels’ Table Brother #213, is a celebrated surgeon in Belgium. With his ALAPROA and with Jean-Pierre Lacroix as crew, he won the RORC’s devastating 1979 Fasnet race in Class III. He sailed from Europe to Haiti to bring his Captive , a surgeon herself and a “Doctor without Borders” to her humanitarian assignment in Haiti where he also practices. In 1997 André was one of the Emissaries to the Creation of U.K Table of East Anglia and on Nov. 23, 1999, with Jacques Recht aka Cabestan and Bernard Lefevre aka Brise-Galets, refloated the Haitian Table. It is no wonder that with humanitarian Brothers like André, “Doctors without Borders” received a Nobel Prize in 1999.
Italian Brothers visiting the Düsseldorf boat Show in 1976 convinced its CEO to start a Table of the Brotherhood in Germany. In November that same year, Germany’s first Table was inaugurated in Düsseldorf. The first National Captain was Bolo Mayweg the editor of the magazine “Boot.” Düsseldorf’s Table lives in the wake of the great German Boat show. At the January 1996 Zaf, the creation of a Bavarian Table was launched, sponsored by the Milano Table and inaugurated the following May 18. A third Table, the Lübeck-Travemünde Table, was created on the Baltic in 1997. The three German Tables total 40 Brothers. Among them : A.Boehm , founding Brother of Düsseldorf and Bavarian Tables; H. Deilmann, painter and writer of his cruises; P. Hesse, businessman and benefactor of Haiti and Tortuga; B .Pieske , circumnavigator; H. Schlichting, editor of Segler-Zeitung; and of course Claus Groth, who is Düsseldorf’s Table Captain and Germany’s national Captain and CEO of Boot, Germany’s great boat show.
Gentilhombre Del Mar which means “Gentleman of the Sea.” Chilean regulation, Ordenanzas y Protocolos , recommends the use of the two letters GM, but in practice GHM has been adopted all over the world.
GOEBEL, Kazmierz Arthur
Born in 1940, Brother #18 of the Polish Brotherhood, Professor and Rector at Lublin University. He distinguished himself as a skipper and sailing instructor within the University and was Captain or first mate on the Polish tall ships sailing around Iceland. See Poland
Twice-yearly Italian publication, edited by Alfredo Martini GHM . The foreword reads:”Notizario disordinato informativo dei Fratelli della Costa. Esce quando puó e come puó. Riporta notizie buone, cattive e scadute e serve ad informare i Fratelli della attività della Fratellanza. Il giochetto sta in piedi se tutti aiutano poiché se nessuno scrive, nessuno legge.” A translation of above foreword of “Gun Shot ” would be “Brotherhood of the Coast’s disorganized informative chronicle. It comes out as it comes in. It announces good, bad and obsolete information on Brotherhood’s activities. This idea stands only if each of us helps, because if nobody writes, nobody reads.”
National Captain in the Italian Brotherhood.
In Belgium and France, refers to the Captain of a Table. “Grand Frère National” is the National Captain.
Brother from Marseilles Table who undertook a five-year voyage on his 45-foot yawl, on which he based his publication of “L’embellie sur la mer” (Arthaud Ed.)
Chile’s first foreign contacts date as far back as 1951. Dr Alfonso Leng gathered a few Chileans in London and started Great Britain’s first Table on July 6 of that year. Amongst the first Brothers was Salvador Reyes which later contributed greatly in spreading the Brotherhood in Europe. The London Table was comprised of some 27 Brothers but did not last. Thanks to the drive of the French Tables of Flanders and Normandy the Solent Table was created in 1978, followed by the Dorset Table. In February 1997, in Ipswich, the Table of East Anglia was born. The British Brotherhood now totals 45 Brothers and Engagés . The French origin of the British Table led their Brothers to use the French wording in all things related to the Hermandad, hence, the Brotherhood of the Coast is referred to as “Frères de la Côte of Great Britain”, Zafs are referred as Boucans , and the Octalogue is the translation of the Belgian version set up by the Table of Ghent.
GRÉE, Alain aka”Papyrus”
French Brother #60 of Isle de France Table. Great collector of old maritime documents and artefacts, Alain is also celebrated for multiple technical publications on cruising, ship handling and navigation history.
Greek’s Brotherhood was inaugurated in Corfu in 1985 by a dozen yachtsmen, the sponsorship being given by Edouard de Cazalet in the presence of France’s National Captain at the time, Philippe Desert, GHM (Normandie). Presently there are four active tables boasting 47 Brothers: Argo-Saronikos, Corfu, Lesbos and Skiathos.
GROUT, Jack, aka “L’Ablonnais”
France’s former National Captain. He sponsored a boat in the first Whitbread Race. In 1969 on his Sailboat LEOPARD NORMAND he cruised to Tortuga where he laid a plaque with the following inscription in French: “Sur cette terre est né notre idéal d’audace et de liberté.” This translates: “Our ideals of audacity and freedom were born on this Shore.” This testimony of the Brotherhood’s driving force was alas quickly stolen – a discovery made by Brother René Fiechter (New York Table) who passed through Tortuga some short time later.
Spanish word meaning “burrow” or “hiding place.” Name given to the base office of the Brotherhood in Santiago. The name is also given to the site were the local tables reside.
HADZOPOULOS , André P, aka “Matapan”, GHM
Made Brother in Paris in February 1985 with the title of Emissary* for Greece. The same year in October, André organized the first Greek Boucan, where 12 Brothers were dubbed, and he was made National Captain. On board his 33′ sloop MANAHIKI he sailed extensively in the Aegean and Ionia seas. The boat’s home base is presently Corfu.
HAITI (et Ile de la Tortue)
At end of the 80s a French Brother by the name of George Lepine d’Arboville aka “l’Astrolabe”, self-proclaimed Captain of the Carribean and based in St Martin, created three tables: Haiti, Tortuga and Ile de la Vache. The position of these tables was somewhat nebulous from the beginning. Because of political unrest in Haiti (and in spite of the energy and dedication of local Brothers, Bernard Lefèvre aka Brise-Galets, Christan Goguet aka Taillevent and Bruno Blondeau aka Ventre à Terre) the situation of the Tables worsened. By 1992 it was admitted that the Haitian Tables had foundered. The return of Brise-Galets and Taillevent to the island lifted hopes for salvaging the Brotherhood of our forbears. This was achieved on Nov. 23, 1999, jointly by Brise-Galets under the sponsorship of Sam Britton, US-National Captain, and by two Belgian emissaries André Gérard aka Fast-Quette and Jacques Recht aka Cabestan, both commissioned by J.-P. Lacroix the Belgian National Captain. The Captain of the refloated “Table de Haiti et Ile de la Tortue” is now Victor Boulos aka Zoucap. Prospects for fair sail for the rejuvenated Haitian Brotherhood is insured by seven newly dubbed Brothers, all of whom are Haitian nationals or permanent residents in Haiti.
HAMMER, Dr Anselmo†
One of the seven Founding Brothers of the Hermandad de la Costa in 1951. We owe to this multilingual humanist and philanthropist the very name of the Brotherhood and its Octalog. He created the newsletter Abordajes and was the key contributor to the expansion of the Brotherhood world over. His written records constitute the Brotherhood’s memory, and are presently archived and protectively preserved by our Chilean Brothers.
HANIN, Philippe aka “Cap à l’Est”
Belgian sailor and initiator of the TREATY OF ROME operation for the 1977-1978 Whitbread Race.
HAUWAERTS, Pierre aka”Baron”
Belgian National Captain from 1983 to 1992. Principal manager of the Second World Zaf in Belgium in 1992, he is considered the upholder of the Belgian Brotherhood Traditions. See Belgium
Spanish word for Brotherhood
Spanish for Elder Brother. The expression covers world-wide various realities: in Chile the HM is a member of the much respected Consejo de los Hermanos Mayores ; in Italy, a Brother bearing the title HM means that he holds 20 years of membership; the French translation “Grand Frère” applies to the National Captain.
HORN (Cape)
As do all other sailors, the Brothers of the Coast hold Cape Horn in awe and great respect. Quite a few Brothers have rounded the Cape under sail, either as skipper or crew. Cape Horn also marks some milestones of the Brotherhood. Willy De Roos in his book “Seul dans le sillage des caravelles” relates how in January 1988 the Chilean Navy landed him on the island to film, the “century” storm, which never came. O. Stern-Veyrin in 1990 from his ketch PRINCE AZUR landed his crew with the assignment to place a plaque and the Brotherhood’s pennant in the little chapel “La Capilla Naval”. In the wake of the Third World Zafarrancho held in Chile in 1994, the ship AQUILES, of the Chilean Navy, took in comfort 150 Brothers and Captives to the Horn. On Oct.17, as the AQUILES rounded the Horn, the marriage of Paul Anderson and Erika Eberhardt was celebrated by the boat’s Chaplain. Paul is a Brother of the Gold Coast Table (FL) and Erica is none other than the daughter of John Eberhardt aka “Gonfleur” Britain’s National Look-Out and his Captive “Lady Brenda”. The party on board the AQUILES lasted until her return to Puerto Montt and ended in Viña del Mar. See also Alex Foucard .
The first Table of Hungary was inaugurated on the shores of Lake Balaton in 1998 sponsored by the Italian Table of Padova. Presently, its Captain Lásló Pinter heads eight Brothers.
The passage from Engagé to “Brother” is called induction, enthronization or dubbing. This ceremony, sometimes quite colorful in its details, follows a ritual particular to each National Brotherhood. Tables who are more attached to tradition, require the Engagé to pass a series of tests, not unlike the initiations of freshmen in colleges. The dubbing ritual itself, more solemn, is inspired by the ceremonies awarding knighthood. The Chilean Induction ritual goes as follow: The Engagé,blindfolded and with fists and ankles shackled, is brought into the presence of the Captain. The Captain orders the Surgeon-Barber to assess if the Engagé is deemed fit to become a Brother. After a physical check-up, the Engagé is required to answer questions about his motivation and pretensions to become a Brother. If the Engagé has passed favorably the tests and his answers to the questions are satisfactory, blindfold and shackles are removed. He is then required to drink a glass of rum and a glass of salt water. The dubbing itself calls for the Captain to lay the flat of his cutlass (or Sabre) on the shoulder of the kneeling Engagé whilst the Scribe reads the Octalog . The Engagé will swear allegiance to the Octalog and then, and only then, will the Captain pronounce him “Brother”, ask him to rise and give him his number and possibly his Brother’s nickname. All Brothers then cheer and give joy to the new Brother.
International Secretariat of Coordination see SECOIN
Chilean Zafarranchos start with an introduction read by the Captain: “Vamos dar comienzo a este Zafarrancho, que una vez más, reune a los Hermanos de la Costa cuyo horizonte es fomentar la amistad fraternal, fundada en el cariño al Mar y en el ejemplo que nos dieron los viejos navegantes, que hicieron de los Mares su sagrado hogar” which translates as “Let us start this Zafarrancho which, once more, gathers the Brothers of the Coast in a spirit to enhance the friendship between Brothers, a friendship based on the love of the sea and the path shown by old sailors and those who made the sea their sacred refuge.”
Sponsored by British and French Brothers, the Irish Table was founded in 1978 in Connemara (County Galway). Very little is known about the activity of this small national Table.
Musters the World’s greatest number of Brothers. The first Italian Table was created in October 1953 in Riccione through the united diligence of Salvador Reyes and Anselmo Hammer , that is , only two years after the inauguration of the Chilean Brotherhood. It spread quickly. The Italian Brotherhood became an association with a legal status under Italian Law in 1957 under the name “L’Associazione Italiana dei Fratelli della Costa. ” This first National Zaf was held on board the Transatlantic liner CRISTOFORO COLOMBO. The Brotherhood is headed by a Gran Commodoro . Individual Tables are headed by Lieutenants, Luogotenente . The Grand Commodore presides the Consiglio Grande e Generale , mustering the National Dignitaries and the Table’s Lieutenants. Italy’s number of Tables amounts to 52 comprising 800 Brothers and Aspiranti. Italian Brothers should be credited for the brilliant organization of the World’s Fourth Zafarrancho in 1998.
JANET, Bernard aka Hippocampe GHM
Founding Brother #1 of the first Swiss Table in Geneva (Table helvétique, 1976). National Captain since 1998. Besides numerous cruises in the Mediterranean Hippocampe was at the helm of the 5.50 design category in regattas of Genoa, Monaco, Cannes and all the “Bol d’Or” races on the Léman lake.
An Uruguayan diplomat, assisted by Uruguay’s National Captain Bebeto Bidegaray , started a Brotherhood Table in Tokyo. This Table, however, did not survive the demise of its Captain Norifume Yanaghihara.
Black flag of Pirates. The Hermandad de la Costa was inspired by it to create the Brotherhood’s flag. On a black background and to the hoist side is featured an anchor topped by two stars; below the anchor are two crossed oars. It is left to the discretion of each national or local Table to add a logo on the flying side of the flag. If the flag is an individual pennant, national Tables have the liberty to add other signs: These are the Brother’s number and starsas recognitions for nautical achievements. There is however no historical documentation of a “Jolly Roger” as a black flag with skull and crossbones used by buccaneers, except in the minds of moviemakers. Seventeenth-century writers such as A.O. Exmelin and Daniel Defoe make no mention of them. Their claim is that “Adventurers of the Sea” would harbor their own national flags. The Brethren of the Coast (buccaneers and privateers) were adventurers of the sea commissioned by a Letter of Marque, delivered by a King’s representative or a Governor of an Island to disrupt the enemy’s commerce. Our forebears were not pirates. Red flags or red broad pendant were used to signify that no quarters would be given in case of an engagement. Eventually, a brightly colored flag could be used as a substitute for the national flag. An opponent’s flag could be hoisted as a legitimate “ruse de guerre,” replaced at the last minute before the engagement by the National Ensign. Jolly Roger might well be a mispronunciation of the expression “Joli Rouge” referring to red broad pendant. The use of black ensigns by Pirates seems to come after the seventeenth century. According to another thesis, the expression “Jolly Roger” would find its roots in Orient. The great Hindoo chiefs of Canamore, notorious pirates, were called in tamil “Alli Raja” meaning king of the seas, their ensign being red. English pirates had also laid claim to the title of “king of the seas” and the word Raja could have been altered to Roger early in the eighteenth century. Ally Roger could have become Olly Roger and subsequently Jolly Roger or Old Roger.
In Spanish Pasar por la Quilla is an expression used by Table Captains in Chile to order a disobedient Brother during a Boucan, to crawl under the Table and come up the other side. A much lesser punishment than the seventeenth-century requirement for passage under the keel of a boat!
KNABE, Jerzy Andrzej
Polish Brother #2 and Founding Brother of the Brotherhood of his country. National Captain of the Polish Hermandad from 1966 to 1973. Born in 1933, this journalist is Honorary Secretary of the Polski Yacht Club of London and has organized two scientific expeditions, one in the Red Sea and one around South America. He is an author and translator of books on sailing.
KOWALSKI, Boleslaw aka “Bolek”, GHM
Founding Brother #1 of the Polish Brotherhood. Born on March 4, 1928. Twice National Captain from 1973 to 1978 and from 1982 to 1992 he is presently National Look-Out. A retired lawyer, he has sailed since 1948, mainly in the Baltic and North seas but also in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Bolek also holds a Yacht Master’s license and is the skipper of tall ships. He has published two books, lectures very frequently, produces radio and TV shows, all pertaining to sailing.
This French sailor, painter and globe-trotter was a Brother of the Coast from the early days and served as Captain of the New York Table. Jean was celebrated for having as early as 1955 crossed the Atlantic single-handed on a 6.5 m sailboat he built himself. He wrote a book “A moi l’Atlantique.” Twice more Jean crossed the ocean, always on small boats, in 1960 on board a Cap Horn design, in 1964 on a Golif design. Each time as a participant in the OSTAR in company of all the great names of Sail such as Eric Tabarly , Sir Francis Chichester and others. Jean died in Fort de France (Martinique) in 1995, at the age of 79.
LANGUAGES, official
Our Brotherhood’s original language is Spanish. Translation of the Octalog in Italian (1953), French (1955) and English (1959) was a response to one of Anselmo Hammer ‘s goal: create a world-wide Fraternity. In the course of the following decades the Octalog has been translated into many other languages. Covering almost all Btotherhood’s needs to communicate, above initial languages are now, within the Brotherhood, the accepted official languages.
LASI, Juan
Founding Brother of the Brotherhood of Venezuela holding #1 for his country. Economist and writer Juan has crossed and re-crossed not only the Carribean but also the Mediterranean seas and great chunks of the Atlantic on board his sailboat SIMPATICO, a 46′ Amel design. Juan served as Hermano Mayor for 12 years, then Gran Sabio Consejero (Grand Wise Counselor) in 1996 and holds a Patente de Corso (Letter of Marque) of Italy under the #1344 and one from Chile under the #75.
LAST VOYAGE or Final passage
A deceased Brother is said to have undertaken his last voyage or final passage. It is also said that “he now sails on serene seas ” or “he now sails, bow bearing to eternity.” On a special roster of the Brotherhood he will keep his pennant number. This number will never be reused. A very moving ceremony is observed by the Chilean Hermandad, it goes like this:
The Look-Out : Captain, a ship leaves the harbor under full sail.
The Captain: Who is in command of that vessel ?
The Look-Out: It is Brother of the Coast ……(name of the deceased)
The Captain: What is his heading ?
The Look-Out: He sails with his bow bearing to eternity
The Bosun sounds four times the bell.
The Captain: Brothers, life follows its course, let’s retire.
LEFÈVRE, Bernard aka”Brise-Galets”
French Brother from the Table of the Keys (Florida). Born 1940 in Toulon (France), he was the son of two warriors: his father being the commander of a submarine and his mother, a secret service agent of Free France during WWII. From boy apprentice in fishing boats Bernard graduated to become a Captain in the merchant navy, holding a Master’s ticket. He also acquired a license as port pilot and qualified as a scuba-diver. Bernard was a representative for a leading oil company and CEO of another company. Beside all these activities he is a very active yachtsman and sail racer with three transatlantic crossings to his credit. He has resided in more than a score of countries, never remaining more than four years in the same place. Retired and presently domiciled in Haiti, Bernard initiated the Cyber-Brothers on www, inaugurated the Chesapeake Bay Table in Virginia and refloated the foundered Table of Haiti and Tortuga.
LENG, Dr Alfonso †
One of the seven Founding Brothers of the Hermandad de la Costa holding the #1. First National Captain of the Chilean Brotherhood. A scientist and musician, Leng distinguished himself in developing the Hermandad philosophy. In 1957 Leng was recipient of the National Art Award from the Government of Chile. He initiated the faculty of orthodontics at the Santiago University. All his free time was devoted to his favorite sport: sailing. A Chilean Foundation presently bears his name.
King’s commission, given in the form of a written document, to a non-military person or enterprise, to burn, sink or take enemy vessels or to raid enemy settlements. The bearer of a Letter of Marque was immune to the charge of piracy. In the contemporary Brotherhood, a Letter of Marque is a written mandate or statement drafted by a National Captain to a Brother assigned to a particular mission as an Emissary (i.e., representation, create a new Table, carry a message). In some Brotherhoods ( Chile , Italy ), a Letter of Marque ( Patente de Corso ) is a token of recognition given to a Brother for services rendered.
Venezuela’s Brother #2 and co-founder of the Hermandad of Venezuela . Norge is a manufacturer and geometer as well as a circumnavigator and sail racer. In 1985 he completed a round-the-world voyage in 11 months on board his Swan 45’ sailboat SUPERCILIOUS. Norge is also credited for six Atlantic passages and a voyage in the Pacific to Hawaii, whence he reached Alaska. He also circumnavigated South America around the Horn westwards. Norge won multiple International races. For 12 years he held the Captaincy of the Table of Caracas and became Hermano Mayor of the Hermandad of Venezuela in 1996, Patente de Corso of Chile, Capitaine Courageux of Italy, Estrella de los Vientos of Venezuela. Norge Lilla is Commodore of the Yachting Club of Puerto Azul in Venezuela.
French Brother who was lost at sea at age 50 as he was sailing his boat between Corsica and Marseilles in 1996. Marc was well known as a follower of Eric Tabarly and Alain Colas . He started a sailing school using new pedagogic principles, taking his young trainees out to sea on full-berth boats. He was an expert on the Mediterranean waters and left us with a book published by Arthaud “La Voile Sauvage.”
LOOK-OUT, International
Each country’s Brotherhood has an International Look-Out. In second position next to the National Captain, the Look-Out is in charge of foreign relationships. He is expected to assist and represent his Captain, and insure the broadcast of international information through his own National Brotherhood.
An expression used by many Brotherhoods to designate a Brother who has lost interest in the Brotherhood. Although he remains a Brother for ever, the Brotherhood may decide to strike him off the rolls.
Old sea dogs are known in French as vieux “loups de mer”. Accordingly, women sailors may be called “Louves de Mer”. In 1961, the Association of Cap Horners of St Malo sponsored, with the help of French and Belgian BOC, a legally registered association of women sailors, women mostly related or kin to BOC. They were Danny Barrault , Annie Van de Wiele , Liliane Recht , Viviane Cappeliez , Dany Goetstouwers, to name a few, all skippers in their own right. See Captives , Women .
LUBRANO, Jacques aka”Jakson la Batisse”
Brother #38 of the Toulon Table is president of the Trans-Yachting Cercle at Castelet and skipper of a schooner named LE GARLABAN. This colorful character is the owner, in Ollioule, of the equally colorful Inn named “Au Rat-qui-Pète”, for whose name the literal translation is “At the rat who passes wind .”
Lieutenant in italian. In Italy local Table Captains are addressed as Luogotenente.
LUPOLI, Franco †
Venezuela Hermandad’s Brother #6. This businessman circumnavigated South America round the Horn . He was lost at sea on his return, off the coast of Brazil.
World-renowned scuba diver. Enzo is Brother #848 of the Syracuse Table in Italy.
World champion in offshore motor racing, Carlo is Brother # 803 of the Italian Table of Ognina di Catania.
MALINOVSKI, Michel, aka “Spartel”
Former National Captain of the French Frères de la Côte. Brother #26 of the Gascony Fleet. In the first “Route du Rum” challenge Michel came in second at 78 seconds behind Mike Birch. “Spartel” is the Founding Brother of the Table of Gijon in Spain . Published at Arthaud he co-authored with D.Gilles a book on cruising.
Italian Brother #212 from Florence Table of the Brotherhood, Connetable and writer. His books of sailing instruction have been instrumental in the Italy’s nationwide interest in the sport.
see New Perspectives.
MAROONED on a desert island
Brotherhood is a life-time privilege. Chilean Hermandad and several other National Brotherhoods have however made provision for a disrating procedure for Brothers who have disgraced the Brotherhood. To be stripped of the rank of Brother, a Brother must have committed a heinous crime such as: having publicly offended the Brotherhood, initiated scandalous conduct, perpetrated some moral indecency or being subject to a penal conviction. Being marooned on a desert island can be a life sentence or may be imposed for a set time as punishment. The punished Brother is said, figuratively to be “disembarked”. In French he is also said to have been “abandoned on a desert island”. The Chilean have also a very strong expression Echar a los tiburones, which translates as the culprit being “thrown to the sharks”. See Membership
Brother #365 of Milano’s Brotherhood Table. Former Commodore and Gran Commodoro of the Fratelli della Costa of Italy. For 23 years he has been International Scribe and Look-Out. He is the editor of a very classy yearbook Diario di Bordo and of the magazine Golpe de Cañon . On board his sailboat SAMADHI he cruises extensively in the Adriatic and Mediterranean seas.
Brother #2 of Germany’s Brotherhood of the Coast and Founding Brother of Düsseldorf’s Table of which he was Captain for 10 years. His close association with the important boat show “Boot” allowed him to advertise the German Brotherhood of the Coast for appreciation, this on an International level.
Uruguayan Brother #100 of the Montevideo Table. A merchant marine officer with 45 years experience in navigation on 38 vessels under eight different flags, who logged 1.2 million miles, he created the Malvin Maritime Museum in Montevideo. Omar is the most knowledgeable marine historian of the River Plate and we owe him a novel on the GRAF SPEE and other souvenir books.
Although in certain countries the Brotherhood has the legal status of an association, one cannot, normally, apply to become a Brother. Affiliation to the Brotherhood comes through a Brother who carefully detects a possible candidate and then sponsors him. Membership is a life-time privilege (see Marooned) . Membership means also that a Brother belongs for life to the Table which accepted him and gave him his Brother Flag number. However, according to the spirit of the Octalog, it is understood that a Brother should be automatically adopted as a guest by any Table in the world.The question whether a migrating Brother may belong simultaneously to more than one National Table or change his appurtenance is as yet unresolved officially. Double or multiple Appurtenance: No International text has yet published rules on the matter, and most Brotherhoods welcome Brothers from other Tables into their midst, either as honorary members or even as full-fledged members. Some National Brotherhoods, such as that of France, include however a specific non-multiplicity clause in their rules. Changing the appurtenance: this case is more frequent. A Brother leaving his home country in order to live permanently abroad may become a Brother of his new residence under certain conditions: he has to inform the Captain of his Table of origin who will arrange the matter with the Captain of the receiving Table through the International Look-outs of the two countries. The change of appurtenance within the same country follows a similar proceedings.
A first Mexican Table was created in 1980 with the assistance of Aldo Devoto. The Mazatlán Table however did not survive the demise of Adolfo Torres, its first captain.
MILLS, Richard, GHM †
Great sailor and frequent guest to the Chilean Hermandad, Brother Mills was a Founding Brother of the Australian Table in Sydney in 1960 and National Captain of the Australian Brotherhood from 1962 to 1968.
A 21-meter overall Dundee tuna fishing boat of Annick-Marie design, rating 53 tons, put to water in 1929. She was freighted by the Belgian Brotherhood in 1956 and foundered on her first cruise, hitting the wreck of the French destroyer LA BOURRASQUE offshore of Nieuwpoort. To rise above this sorry incident, Belgian Brothers freighted another tuna boat, named BICHE, which can be seen, as of today, in the port of Douardenez (France).see .
The Fourth World Brotherhood of the Coast Zafarrancho was held in Italy from May 23-June 1, 1998, aboard the cruise liner MONTEREY, belonging to the Mediterranean Shipping Co.
Means “boy” or “servant” in Spanish. For Spanish-speaking Brothers muchacho is equivalent to Engagé. In the 17th century it meant “indentured servant.”
Unfortunately only one issue of this bulletin from the Chilean office of coordination ” INSECO” was ever published. Its purpose was to broadcast, in 1994, the aims and ideals of the Brotherhood. It also strove to maintain the Hermandad traditions and customs.
see Songs.
Spanish word for “Vessel” or “Boat”. In Chile Nao designates a local Table. Brothers belonging to the same Table (Nao) are called “tripulación” or crew in English.
Each National Brotherhood elects a National Captain who is the supreme authority in the Brotherhood of that country, and will represent his country at the Assembly of National Captains . In a country with only one Table, the Captain of that Table will de facto be recognized as the country’s National Captain. Multiple-Table Brotherhoods will elect a Brother to be the National captain, following their own rules. National Captains bear different titles: Grand Frère National or Hermano Mayor (in France, Belgium, Great Britain, and Venezuela); Gran Commodoro in Italy, Germany); up to 1998 Grand Emissaire (in Switzerland); Flag Captain (in Australia) and National Captain in most other countries.
A roving Table of the Brotherhood which was inaugurated in Santiago de Chile on Jan. 9, 1991 as a dependance from the Chilean Hermandad. This Table gathered about a score of sailing Brothers who were voyagers without a set home port. Very strong attachment to the Octalog , their only law, united them. Contact was maintained by Ham radio and a newsletter the G azette Océane . When one of these sailing Brothers would end his roving and set his bag ashore, he was to address himself to the nearest local Table and thus became an “Ancien de la Nef” or an “Ex of the Nef.” As soon as the Nef was created, it raised considerable controversy. A casualty of time, the Nef decided to scuttle itself in 1999. The idea of an ambulatory Table, which would gather the voyaging Brothers, is however still in the offing and may be picked up some day.
NELIS, André, aka”Fiston”
A sailmaker, this Belgian Brother #269 of the Antwerpen Table has quite a record in the FIN class design, which runs as follow: 1954, Champion of Europe in Berlin; 1956, World Champion and Silver medal at the Melbourne Olympics (Gold medal went to Elvström); 1960, Champion of Europe in Naples and Bronze in the Rome games; 1961, again World Champion.
A party of Brothers of the Brotherhood of Belgium created the first Dutch Table in Breskens in 1999. Prospects are good for an expansion of the Brotherhood in the Netherlands. The Table of Breskens gathers already 20 Brothers.
The Third World Zafarrancho(Chile 1994) as well as the All-Americas Zafarrancho (Carribean 1996) introduced new concepts such as the protection of the seas and preservation of our maritime heritage. Brothers the world over are invited to reflect on these new perspectives.
In the seventeenth century, most of the Sea Adventurers were known under a nickname, so as not to reveal their true identity. This custom of adopting a nom de guerre has been picked up by numerous Tables. The use of nicknames has long been a Belgian and French specificity. It is now spreading in North and South America.
In May 1995 northernmost Brotherhood Table was created in Bergen from the Tall Ship STATSRAAD LEHMKUHL. This Norwegian Table was sponsored by the English Brotherhood with its International Look-Out John Eberhardt and USA Brotherhood in the person of Albert Seidl , Captain of the Savannah Table. The Captain of the Norwegian Table is none other than the Tall Ship’s Skipper Marcus Seidl.
OCTALOG, or OCTALOGUE see Appendix for text
Literally, the eight commandments. The Octalog is the Brotherhood’s moral conduct code accepted by Brothers of all countries. It was adopted in Santiago de Chile by the Founding Brothers on Nov. 7, 1951. Its spirit comes from Brother Anselmo Hammer . The Octalog is the only universally accepted rule within the Brotherhood. All other rules, more or less enforced, are custom-made, although some rules laid out in the Chilean Ordenanzas y Protocolos have been adopted as international traditions (For instance, the pattern of the flag or the attire worn by Brothers on different occasions). In addition, the Assembly of National Captains, at World Zafaranchos , makes many decisions of general or particular interest for the Brotherhood. The host Brotherhood prepares, after the meetings, a document wherein all these decisions are recorded. But these decisions are always negotiable, which is not the case for the Octalog. The original Octalog text is the Chilean version of 1951.With the spreading, in 1955, of the Brotherhood to Belgium the Octalog needed to be translated to French. The French version of the Octalog, edited by the Table of Ghent, strays away at various important points from the original Chilean version. Several Tables (including those of Belgium, France, Switzerland and paradoxically Spain) have adopted the Ghent version. For historical motives the English also adopted the Ghent version (spelt Octalogue) whereas USA, Italy and Germany have stuck with the original Chilean text. On the grounds of allegiance to its own traditions, the Chilean delegation, at the Third World Zafarrancho in 1994, has attempted to battle the “heresy” and urged the Brotherhood to abide by the original version. At this Zafarrancho in Chile the question was not resolved and the Belgian and French Brotherhood maintained that they had now more than 40 years of traditions in application of their version of the Octalog, a tradition which better suited their particular customs. At the Fourth World Zafarrancho in 1998 a compromise was found that satisfied the sensibilities of both parties involved. All admit that the Chilean version of the Octalog is the original. National Brotherhoods who have adopted a different Octalog in the past may continue to abide by it. Any Brotherhood newly founded will revert to the original Chilean version.
Or “Rules and Etiquette”. A very thorough set of R. and E. have been laid out by the Hermandad de la Costa in Chile in a compendium named “Ordenanzas y Protocolos.” The compendium covers, in several chapters, many aspects of the life of the Hermandad. These are related to: Hermandad doctrine, hierarchic authorities, working of the Hermandad, discipline, judicial aspects, attire recommendation, Captives, Ceremonial , and rituals. None of the National Tables have adopted all these rules and regulations, but all have been inspired by them to establish their own procedures. The Octalog remains the sole common text.
On an International level the Brotherhood’s organization is very loose. The Brotherhood presently comprises some 27 National Brotherhoods, some with multipleFleetsand local Tables. The supreme authority rests with the Assembly of the National Captains, which has met every four years at the World Zafarranchos since 1986. The follow-up of these meetings is entrusted to an International Coordination Secretaryship INSECO. National Brotherhoods and Tables are free to organize themselves at will, possibly with their own by-laws.
Honorary distinction given in the past, to friends, Brothers or not, who distinguished themselves by important services given to the Nef Oceane. Recipients could follow their names by the letters BDO (Baudrier d’Orion).
Orza! is the imperative form of the spanish verb Orzar meaning to luff up. In yonder times, after letting fly a Broadside, ships would haul their wind. The order to come as close to the wind as possible to resume their heading was an imperative ORZA! By extension in present days the Chilean Brothers, express a very loud ORZA! before drinking. A way to toast or say “cheers.”
The Uruguayan Brothers under the command of National Captain Bebeto Bidegaray plan to create a first Paraguayan Table in 2000. A landlocked country, Paraguay has however a strong nautical tradition linked to the navigation on the Rio Paraguay and Paraná.
A distinction given to particular deserving Brothers in Chile and Italy in the exact reproduction, on parchment, of the original Royale Commission of the Infant of Spain, Philippe de Bourbon.The Patente de Corso authorized Captains to commission boats for raiding enemies commerce at sea.see Letter of Marque.
Italian Brother #1114 of the Bisanzio Table. Former Gran Commodoro of the Fratelli della Costa. For many years Gianni has been the driving force of the Italian Brotherhood. He now chairs the Italian Sail Federation.
Brother #55 of New York Table. As a young immigrant in New Zealand Axel decided in 1958 to return to his home country Denmark on board his 28′ second-hand ketch MARCO POLO, which was the first New Zealand boat to have accomplished a World circumnavigation. Axel did not have much sailing experience; his trip through Panama was somewhat dramatic and somewhat picturesque. So was his taking part in the transatlantic single-handed race in 1964.Coming into Newport (RI) after a 62-days passage and well in last position of the pack he exclaimed, “So many things can happen at sea.”
Small Brotherhood flag hoisted in domestic waters on the starboard spreader halliard, from sunrise to sunset. In foreign waters, when a courtesy flag is flown, the Brotherhood flag should be flown under the port spreader. No other flags may be bent over the Brotherhood ‘s pennant. The Brotherhood pennant signifies that a Brother is aboard and that the boat is in commission. see Jolly Roger
An attempt was made in 1957 by Arturo Steel, president of the Chilean Yachting Federation, to implant the Brotherhood in Peru, by gathering several sailors in Callao. The Table foundered a few years later.
PFLIEGER , John J. †
Founder and Captain of the Brotherhood’s Table in New York (1959). Former Commodore of the Slocum Society. John was lost at sea, when his single-hand boat beached on a St Thomas island reef .His pipe was still in the cockpit, but no trace of John was found. Annie van de Wiele wrote very moving pages on her friendship with John and his fate.
PIESKE, Burghar
Is the first German Brother who accomplished a circumnavigation, rounding the Horn East-West on his catamaran SHANGRI-LA. Burghard published (Delius Ed.) three cruising stories: Shangri-La, Abenteuer unter der arktischen Sonne, Karibisches Eis-Arktisches Feuer and Bounty Bay: 5000 nasse Meilen im Pazifik.
PILOT (of)
..Bay, Costal, High Seas: In the official Chilean Maritime administration these titles corresponds to three different Master’s tickets. The Chilean Hermandad allows Brothers holding such titles to add respectively one, two or three white stars to the fly of their pennant.
PIN (buttonhole badge)
A button that identifies the wearer of its appurtenance to the Brotherhood. Each Table, or National Brotherhood, has its particular design – usually a simplified version of the Table’s pennant . In Chile the pin is a 12 mm diameter round button featuring the anchor, two stars and crossed oars, in silver with black background. In Belgium the button of 10 mm diameter features the same design but in gold. Other Tables have larger pins, some square, featuring the Table’s own logo besides the stars, anchor and crossed oars. (For example, that of the Chesapeake Bay Table is a rectangle with the Brotherhood’s logo plus a crab design, an animal particular to the bay). In Belgium and some other Brotherhoods the wearing of the pin is compulsory, at all times.
Not a Brother of the Coast.
PIRATARIO de la Hermandad
At 27° 38′ 15” S. and 70° 54′ 30”W.(Caldera, Chile) next to Bahía Salado in the cove named “Playa Remberto Cabrera ” there is to be erected a symbolic monument dedicated to all the World Brothers who are now on their last passage to eternity. The site will be a place of pilgrimage, peace and meditation. The name of the cove is in memory of the Founder of the Copiapó-Caldera Table who devoted his life to the sea.
End of May 1966 a Polish yacht by the name SMIALY called at Valparaiso. Brothers of the local Table visited the yacht’s crew and fraternized. Polish Brotherhood was thus created on board the yacht June 1, 1966. Until recently Boleslav Kowalski was its first National Captain. Back in Szczeczin, the Table had it rough and went underground because the Polish authorities, communist at the time, could not fit this institution into their party line. Only in 1990 could the Brotherhood surface and find a legal status. In spite of the above difficulties, the Polish Brotherhood found many opportunities to consolidate many other Brothers. Presently the Table boasts 67 Brothers, all with outstanding nautical merits. They represent the elite of the high seas traditions through careful recruiting.
In 1965 the first Portuguese Table was inaugurated in Luanda, Angola, which at the time still belonged to Portugal. This first Portuguese attempt at a Brotherhood of the Coast was jeopardized by the war of independence in the Colony. Lisbon Table was thus successfully created in January 1988 by French emissaries from the Fleets of Brittany and Normandy. After its inauguration, Lisbon’s Table retrieved several former Brothers of the derelict Luanda Table. Commander of the BOA ESPERANÇA galleon Lúcio Da Costa Lopez, with many transatlantic passages to his credit, became Portugal Brotherhood’s first Captain (1988-1990). Amid its 33 Brothers many have made a name for themselves as great sailors. João Cabeçadas, crew to ESPRIT DE LIBERTE and LA POSTE; José Inácio, also skipper of the BOA ESPERANÇA with several transantlatic passages to his credit; Malhão Pereira, commander of the SAGRES Tall ship, and maritime writer; Baptista da Costa, National Captain (1991-1992) with Cape to Rio race and several transatlantic crossings to his credit.
PRAYER (Brotherhood’s)
We owe to Salvador Reyes a celebrated text, which is read in conclusion at each Zafarrancho. Here under is the abridged version in Spanish and English: Mar, yo Hermano de la Costa, te formulo mi promesa: elogiaré tus maravillas y tu fuerza; ayudaré a mis Hermanos y a cualquier navigante en peligro; serviré a tripulaciones y navios; proclamaré que el vivir sobre tus aguas significa la prosperidad de los pueblos y la alegría de los hombres. Te consagraré mis mejores momentos y obedeceré a tu constante lección de belleza y libertad. Seré fiel contigo, con mis Hermanos y con todos los hombres que se han consagrado a tí, Mar soberano. Guárdame siempre a tu imágen y semejanza para defender la libertad en todo momento hasta la muerte. ASI SEA.”O Sea, I, a Brother of the Coast, pledge the following: At all times I shall eulogize your power and beauty; I shall assist my Brothers and other sailors in peril; I shall wait upon boats and crews; I shall proclaim that life on the waves gives prosperity to people and joy to men. I’ll devote to you the best part of my life and will, at all times, respect your beauty and liberty. I shall stay loyal to You as to my Brothers and all those at your devotion, Sovereign Sea. May your imagery remain true to itself, so that I may, relentlessly, defend liberty to my death. Amen.” The Zafarrancho is adjourned as the Captain states “Good sailing, see you at our next port of call.”
Brothers are very attached to symbols and souvenirs. It is customary, at Zafarranchos, for foreign Emissaries to give presents to the organizing Table. Those gifts are usually of a nautical nature or reminiscent of the Brotherhood: e.g. a flag, which will be treasured by the recipient in his home cove (guarida). Brothers organizing the event will also give some trinkets or a present to their guests. Sometimes Brothers will exchange souvenirs among themselves. Brotherhood pins , emblems, T-shirts are always appreciated.
Table in construction. See USA
The Chilean Navy base of Puerto Williams is located on the island of Navarin (Beagle Channel), contesting with the town Ushuaia its claim as the southernmost city in the world. Although more southern than Ushuaia, Puerto Williams is not really a town. Up to February 1997, when the Cruz del Sur Table was created in Antarctica (Arturo Prat Base), Puerto Williams could claim to host the southernmost Brotherhood Table situated on an old stranded boat in a small natural haven where transient sailing boats may find a mooring.
An Italian expression meaning “Gathering” used in place of Boucan or Zafarrancho.
Brother #57 of Polish Brotherhood, born in 1946. Racer and Skipper of Tall Ships. Has entered many races such as Baltic Single Handed race in 1974; AZAB in 1975, in 1979 first in real time and also in 1983.; OSTAR in 1980. Skipper of the Tall Ship POGORIA in 1985/86 and in 1990/91, skipper of ATLANTIS in a winter passage West to East of the Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic with a limited crew of six. Jerzy is also the author of a book on sailing.
Spanish word for “Port of Call.” Recalada is also the name of the Venezuelan Brotherhood’s bulletin giving national and international information on the Brotherhood.
RECHT, Jacques, aka “Cabestan” green and red Stars
Brother #114 of Brussels Table. Sail Instructor. First to show the Brotherhood flag in the Aegean Sea. Writes in the magazine Sur l’Eau . One of the skippers of ALCINA and then TIKERAK in RORC races. Crossed the Atlantic with his Captive Liliane on a self-built 36′ polynesian double canoe with no electricity, electronics or engine. Reached the Chesapeake Bay where he landed to make wine (Jacques is an enologist). Permanent guest to the local Table. Belgian Emissary at the refloating of the Haiti and Tortuga Table. English translator and adviser for the present Dictionary.
Venezuela’s Brother #9. This businessman has thoroughly cruised the Carribean sea as far North as the USA. To his credit are three Atlantic passages on board his Amel 46′ design MIZAR
REYES, Salvador, GHM†
Writer and Chilean diplomat who was instrumental in creating both Britain’s Brotherhood (London 1952), and, during his posting to Rome as Cultural Attaché, the association of the Fratelli della Costa. He is also the author of the Brotherhood’s Prayer . Salvador Reyes started on hisLast Voyage on Feb. 27, 1970. His work has not yet been translated into english.
RHUMB LINE (Trazado de rumbo)
Is a straight compass heading featured by a straight line on a Mercator chart. The expression is used in South America to name a presentation by a Brother or guest on a nautical subject at the end of meal or at Boucan.
RIAL, Jacques aka “Son Excellence”
Former Swiss Diplomat. Brother #88 from the Montevideo Table, subsequently Look-Out of Nef Oceane . Switzerland’s Brother #20. Editor of the Gazette Oceane , The Tortuga Post and of the Grand Dictionnaire de la Côte. At the Fourth World Zafarrancho in May 1998, he was elected to the position of International Secretary of the Brotherhood INSECO . He also received the honor of a Patente de Corso (Letter of Marque) #328 from Chile. Rounded the Horn as crew of Alex Foucard.
Italian Brother #677 of Forli Table. Was instrumental in promoting sailing in Italy. Cino is also well known for his contribution to the Italian challenge in the America Cup.
ROOS, Willy De,
see De Roos .
ROSTER of the Brotherhood
The Brotherhood initially hoped to establish an International Roster which would have been managed from Chile. INSECO in the fall of 1966, published a computer listing of the Brothers in the World on disk. The maintenance of such a roster became, however, a “mission impossible,” because National Tables failed to communicate, on a regular basis, their own rosters’ updating. Since the Zafarrancho in 1998 there is new hope with the advent of Internet’s popularity and an increase of Brothers online. Bernard Lefèvre aka Brise-Galets, of the Florida Table (Keys) has undertaken the mission with great promise of success. The data can be sent to Bernard on an e-group site on the web. Cyber-Brothers .
Chilean Brother, self educated naval architect and professor. Built his own boat, a single-hulled vessel of 7.93 m which, after leaving Antofagasta in 1966, took him and another Brother, Jorge di Giorgio and a young woman (Patricia Roldan), to Polynesia. Logging 5,780 miles in 110 days with multiple stop-overs in many islands, Jorge was welcomed in Papeete by Belgian’s Brother #1 Roger De Clercq. Later Salgado built himself a catamaran SALGARI II on which he sails the Chilean seaboard.
“The Little Santiagoian,” is a fun bulletin published 10 times a year by the Santiago Brotherhood’s Table. The circulation is limited to 100 copies per issue but is also published on the Web.
SCARF or Bandanna
In Chile, only dignitaries are allowed the three-cornered hat . Brothers wear a scarf (bandanna) around their heads, usually black or red. The Engagé are only allowed a scarf round their neck. Occasionally the bandanna feature a skull or crossed bones.
SCHIPPERS, Yves aka”Idéfix”
Belgian Brother #170 of the Table of Ghent. Circumnavigator, with his Captive. Yves published a book of his sailing experiences under the name of his boat NOUCHKA.
Brother #8 of the Bologna Table of Italy’s Brotherhood is one of the Founding Brothers of the Fratelli della Costa in 1953 and a former Gran Commodoro of Italy’s Brotherhood in 1964, 1969, 1973, 1976-78. By trade a naval architect specializing in racing yachts, he designed the famous AZZURA, America Cup’s Italian Challenger.
Title given to the National Brotherhood’s or Table’s secretary. His assignment is to assist the Captain in all paperwork and organizations of Boucans .
International Coordination body of the Brotherhood of the Coast. Created in Chile in 1994 at the Third World Zafarancho. The management of SECOIN (INSECO) was entrusted to the Chilean Brotherhood for a period of four years. This mandate was held by Miguel Torregrosa . At the Fourth World Zaf , held in Italy in 1998, the mandate was entrusted to Switzerland for the period of 1998 to 2002. SECOIN is the acronym from the Spanish SEcretaría COordinadora INternacional. Its mandate is to 1) enforce the decisions taken by the latest World Zafarancho 2) to broadcast the Brotherhood’s customs 3) to inform, the Brothers at large, on different matters pertinent to the interest of all Brothers. INSECO is a tool at the disposal of Brothers world-wide and has no executive powers. Addresses of INSECO are found in the appendix of the dictionary. The present Manager of INSECO is Jacques Rial aka Son Excellence of the Swiss Brotherhood.
SEIDL, Albert aka “Dogwaes”
USA Brother, Captain of the Savannah Table. Former Co-Owner and skipper of the brig BARBA NEGRA. Founding Brother of Norwegian Table of Bergen in 1995.
Resident Belgians and French Brothers created a Brotherhood’s Table in 1973 in Dakar. This Table is still headed by one of the Founding Brothers David Huysmans. The roster of the Dakar Table includes more than 20 Brothers, all sailing fans.
Brother #37 on the Chilean roster, Raúl is Hermano Mayor (Elder) and was several times member of the counsel of 15. He is the Founder of the Quintero Yacht Club. Last General Captain of the Brotherhood, he is presently CEO of the Chilean Sailing Federation.
SOMERHAUSEN, Jean, aka”Diplodocus”
Brother of the USA Table of New York, former Brother of the Table of Rio de Janeiro and subsequently Captain of the Table of Montevideo, Jean is a retired Belgian diplomat. 1997-98 he served as International Look-Out for USA’s Brotherhood. Somerhausen is the only diplomat known to have twice made his way to his diplomatic posting by sailing, which he did with his two sons. First he sailed from Holland to Rio to his assignment as Consul General; a few years later he proceeded in the same manner to Montevideo to his appointment as Ambassador of Belgium. More recently, aged 71 and retired, he made a double passage of the Atlantic on his 28′ sloop PAMPERO IV.
No Brotherhood-related songs, jingles or sea-shanties have yet been produced by any Brother, which does not mean that Brothers do not like music and singing. Each National Table makes use of its country’s own traditional sea shanties or some celebrated international songs. At the World Zaf in Brussels, the Hebrew’s chorus of Verdi’s Nabucco, Va pensiero, became the Brotherhood’s quasi hymn. It was also heard at the closing of the Chilean World Zaf in 1994. Verdi’s piece, as the Brotherhood’s hymn, was confirmed in Italy at the 1998 Fourth World Zaf on board the MONTEREY. The song goes as follow: Va pensiero sull’ali dorate,va, ti posa sui clivi e sui colliove olezzano tepide e molli l’auredolci del suolo natal.Dei Giordano le rive saluta,di Sionne le torri atterrate;oh, mia Patria si bella e perduta !Oh, membrenza si cara e fatal !Arpa d’or dei fatidici vati, perche’muta dal salice pendi ?Le memorie nel petto riaccendi, cifavella dei tempo che fu, o , similedi Solima ai fati, traggi un suono dicupo lamento, oh! C’ispiri il Signoreun concento che ne infonda alpatire virtu’che ne fonda al patire virtu’.
Travelling through Chile a Spanish businessman learned about the Hermandad de la Costa. Enthused, he communicated Abordajes to his friends upon returning home. This led to the creation of the Vigo Table in 1955 comprising 22 Brothers. Unfortunately this Table did not survive after the death of its initiator. Two tables refloated Spain’s Brotherhood in 1994. The Table of Gijón through the initiative of Michel Malinovski and the Table of Palma de Mallorca through the initiative of Uruguay’s National Captain B. Bidegaray GHM. While the Palma Table is very active, the Table in Gijón is not giving news anymore.
At Zafarranchos or Boucans, Brothers take a “Standby to board” (Posición de abordaje) posture in solemn moments. Such are the cases when the Brotherhood pays its last respect to a Brother on his Last Voyage to eternity, the reading of the Octalog or the Brotherhood of the Coast’s Prayer . The posture requires the Brothers to cross their forearms on their chest with closed fists. The posture invokes the crossed oars of the Brotherhoods logo.
Four-masted clipper which took 170 Brothers and their Captives from St Martin to Tortuga in 1996 where they landed on April 4 for the first Inter-American Zafarrancho.
According to the Chilean customs a Captain of a local Table bears three white stars at the right side of his pennant and on the right of his three-cornered hat. National Captains are entitled to four stars placed in a diamond shape position. See also Pilot. Brothers in Chile, and some other National Tables, may, after some feats such as crossing an ocean or other achievements carry a distinct star in their pennant. Customs, however, vary pending the Brotherhood. In Chile a distinctive star may be a red star replacing a white star. In France, the National Captain bears three gilded stars on an azure background. A Fleet Captain bears three gilded stars in triangle, a Bosun one gold star. Members of the Counsel of Elders bear three silver stars in triangle. A green star rewards a 1,000-mile single cruise or race, a red star rewards an ocean passage, an orange (or gold) star rewards a circumnavigation and a blue star rewards exceptional services to the Brotherhood. The Belgian Brothers have similar distinctions, except that a circumnavigation is rewarded by a red star on a white circle background.
There are no legal statutes for the Brotherhood as an International Fraternity. However, some National Brotherhoods have adopted some by-laws so as to be eligible to be officially recognized as associations by the laws of their own country. Brotherhoods from Chile, France, Italy, and very recently (1999) Argentina have complied to write by-laws to be recognized as associations. There are pros and cons as being officially recognized; the pros are: names, symbols, logos of the Brotherhood can be protected by copyrights; Brotherhoods, as associations, acquire a civil identity allowing Brothers to express themselves in civil issues in public affairs. The cons are: loss of anonymous status (cherished by the Sea Adventurers), exposure to State controls, including internal revenue, exposure to legal suits and constraints such as discrimination related to sex, religion and political views which may not suit certain Brothers’ philosophy (e.g admission of “Sisters”).
Brother #98 of New York Table. Naval architect and designer of racing boats which impressive performances made their mark in the history of racing such as STORMY WEATHER, BARUNA, VIM, BOLERO, FINISTERE, CONSTELLATION (America Cup Challenger), DEB, ROUNDABOUT, CLARIONET. Olin Stephen took upon himself many important responsibilities in International sailing organizations. However, he takes a special personal pride in having designed a boat ventilator which he branded by the name of his boat DORADE. Olin, with his brother, crossed the Atlantic in the 20s, testing the ventilator.
STERN-VEYRIN , Dr Olivier aka”Pisse-au-Vent”,GHM
Brother of the Isle de France’s Table, MD and renowned sailer, Pisse-au-vent was twice National Captain of the French Brotherhood and Founding Brother of the Swiss Brotherhood and of Nef Océane . He wrote several books on navigation in the 60s which greatly contributed to the interest in off-shore sailing in France. Published at Arthaud Ed., these include: Solitaire ou pas, Navigation en haute mer, Navigation astronomique.
In French “Subrécargue”, is an old merchant marine expression used to designate a non-sailor who is the representative of a company freighting a boat. In the French Brotherhood a Subrécargue is in the fourth dignitary position of a Table after Captain, Scribe and Bosun . His responsibilities are those of a treasurer when this task is not in the Scribe’s province.
Buccaneers of the seventeenth century always mustered a Surgeon-Barber in their crew. Such was the case of the much celebrated historian of the buccaneers Alexander Oliver Exmelin. Founding Brother Anselmo Hammer , himself an MD, wrote a history of those characters. In the Chilean Hermandad, the Surgeon-Barber is the master of the draughts (maestro de pócimas) and as such, is responsible for the good health of the Table. This assignment does hardly exist in other Tables.
The Swedish Brotherhood of the Coast seems to have been lost in the fog, but some vivid memories of its past existence remain in the minds of those present at the Second World Zaf held in Belgium in 1990. The Swedish Brotherhood delegation came in goodly numbers, all in fierce Viking attire.
The “Helvetic Table” (Geneva) was created in 1976 by France’s National Captain Dr Olivier Stern-Veyrin with the backing of the Belgian and Italian Brotherhoods. A second Table was created in Lausanne by Zaki Pinto aka Ramsès. This latter Table was Lost in the fog for a while, but has recently been reactivated. The Swiss Tables have promoted Geneva’s Table Brother Bernard Janet as their first National Captain in 1998. The most celebrated Swiss Brother is Pierre Fehlman , winner of the Whitbread and initiator of the Grand Mistral race. For several years, until the creation of the Hungarian Brotherhood, the Swiss were the only Brotherhood without a coast line.
TABARLY, Ericaka”Nantucket” †
Brother of Brittany’s Table, perhaps the most celebrated sailor in France since WWII. Aboard his PEN DUICK II, Eric won the second single-handed transatlantic race. Subsequently in 1967 with his PEN DUICK III he swept all the RORC races (Morgan Cup, Gotland Race, Channel Race, Fastnet, Plymouth-La Rochelle, and La Rochelle-Benodet). Following an around-the-world voyage in !973-1974, PEN DUICK IV participated in the 1976 OSTAR. Beside his racing record, Eric devoted much of his time to training dozens of future racers, as well as contributing innovative technologies to racing boat designs. In the process of taking his family boat PEN DUICK I back to Ireland, at a gathering of boats designed 100 years ago by the celebrated designer and boatbuilder William Fife, Tabarly was lost at sea on June 13, 1998.
Name given to a local chapter of the Brotherhood of the Coast. Since 1976, in Chile the Table has been referred to as a vessel ” Nao ” from which is derived the term “nave” to designate a place in churches. The latter expression for a chapter has not been extended to other countries’ Brotherhoods with exception to the late Nef Océane. The creation of a local Table is the province of the National Brotherhood’s dignitaries. The National Captain will send an Emissary from another table to assist seven Brothers in the inauguration of a new Table. The Guidelines to be observed when creating a new Table in a foreign country (see appendix) do also apply.
TABLE, National
When only one Table happens to represent the existence of the Brotherhood in a country it is referred to as the National Table. When more than one Table are of existence in a country, the tables together are referred to as a Brotherhood or Hermandad of that country. For the establishment of a new Table in a country void of any, it pertains to neighboring National Brotherhoods or Brotherhoods with similar ancient cultural attachments to sponsor such a Table. Such was the case in the establishment of the Swiss Table sponsored by France, Belgium and Italy; the latest Table in Spain sponsored by Uruguay; and Brazil’s Table sponsored by Portugal and SECOIN . As a sponsor, the initiating Brotherhood remains somewhat answerable for the well-being of the new Table. It may occur that a group of dedicated sailors, having heard of the Hermandad, wishes to see a Brotherhood of the Coast created in their own country. In this case they may call upon any International Look-Out or contact SECOIN. Several Tables have been created by the latter method. In annex of this dictionary, can be found a document which resumes the thoughts of the Fourth World Zaf’ s National Captains related to rules which should be applied in the creation of a new Table in foreign countries.
TABLE created and runned by expatriates
Often in the course of the Brotherhood’s expansion it occured that Brothers living as foreigners in a country void of any Table, wish to inaugurate a Table in their host country. This is to be encouraged. However one must bear in mind that, without local Nationals who share the Brotherhood’s philosophy, the Table may stay “alien” and not acquire a National legitimacy. If established only with transient Founding Brothers, a new Table may well capsize by their possible departure. It is , therefore, strongly recommended to maintain a core of Nationals or permanent residents Brothers within a newly founded Table.
There are two ways to address people in many languages: a formal, polite “you” or “vous” in French is the normal respectful formal approach at all times. The familiar address “you” or “tu” in French is employed only when addressing family members and close friends. The use of “tu” would equate, for English-speaking people, to addressing someone on a first-name basis. Since in the Brotherhood of the Coast all members are Brothers, hence of the same “family,” they address each other by their first name and use the informal “tu.”
THIELEMANS , Alphonse aka”Ça Taille” Blue Star
Belgian Brother #183 from the Table of Ghent was National Scribe from 1978 to 1980 and International Look-Out from 1992 to 1998. He received the ” Blue Star ” award for exceptional services rendered to the Brotherhood.
Headgear current among men of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Some National Tables such as those of Belgium and France have adopted the three-cornered hat as their symbol of the Brotherhood: it is worn as a formal Attire . In South America, its use is reserved to officials of the Table; other Brothers are to limit their headgear to a scarf or bandanna.
see Orza.
Former Chilean National Captain, an assignment he fulfilled three times. Organizer of the Third World Zafarrancho in Chile in 1994. From 1994 to 1998 Miguel was the first secretary to SECOIN . He is also an internationally recognized champion rower.
Mythical land of the Brotherhood, Tortuga is situated six miles North of the Northern coast of Haiti . The island is separated from Haiti by a channel named “Canal du Vent” or “Tortuga Channel,” notorious for its shark population. Dimensions of Tortuga Island are: 42 km (26 statute miles) long with a width of 7 km (4.3 statute miles); its highest point is at 464 m (1,522 feet). The Island has no access but for a small stretch on its southern side in a cove between the villages of “Basse-Terre” and “Cayonne.” This cove, however, is closed by a coral reef which allows access only via tender; boats need to anchor a mile offshore. Tortuga was a stronghold for the Brethren of the Coast during the second half of the seventeenth century. Its name originates from the tortoise-shell shape of the island. The sole remnants of the island’s historic past are a few cannons and the footings of the “Fort de la Roche.” Previously deserted, the island now holds 30,000 inhabitants.see also Blondeau , Brotherhood of the Coast , Jack Grout , Lefevre , Star Flyer .
Initially an experimental newsletter edited after the Third World Zafarrancho (Chile 1994) by the International Look-Outs of Chile, USA, and Nef Océane ( Aldo Devoto, René Fiechter and Jacques Rial ). Its ambition was to publish, twice yearly, information on the life of the different National Tables of the Brotherhood. At the Assembly of the National Captains of the Fourth World Zafarrancho and in the light of four years of experimentation, it was decreed that The Tortuga Post should be institutionalized and become the official voice of the Brotherhood. Presently the Post is published three to four times a year and is mainly distributed by e-mail. It can also be read on the Internet. see Cyber-Brothers .
The Belgian Table of Ghent publishes since 1999 a very attractive newsletter which is mainly distributed by e-mail.
Sea Adventurers of Tortuga in the past had innovated a society based on an oral tradition: the Customs of the Coast ( Brethren of the Coast ). Some modern National Tables had to abide to local State laws and adopt some legal format to be recognized and obtain a legal status. In spite of necessary statutes or by-laws, the spirit of these National Tables remains however the old oral traditions coined by the Chilean Hermandad, which is a heritage of Tortuga. see Octalog .
TRANSLATIONS of “Hermanos de la Costa”
The name of our Brotherhood, historically, stems from the appellation given by French buccaneers of Tortuga to their fraternity Frères de la Coste (Brethren of the Coast). Chilean have thus translated to Spanish the French appellation to Hermanos de la Costa, literally “Brothers of the Coast”, the Institution being called Hermandad de la Costa. The US interpretation of Hermanos de la Costa is “Brothers of the Coast” in spite of the traditional (seventeenth-century) appellation of “Brethren of the Coast,” the Hermandad being translated to “Brotherhood of the Coast”. Because the UK Brotherhood has been founded by French and Belgian Brothers, the British Tables have elected to keep the French denomination Frères de la Côte. In some languages (French, Italian, German), the name Brothers of the Coast addresses the Brothers as well as the Institution. Translations in other languages:
Dutch: “Broeders van de Kust”;
German: “Die Brüder der Küste”;
Greek: “!*,8N4 I4F !6J4F (pronounced aldelfi tis aktis)
Hungarian: “Parti Testvérek”
Italian: “Fratelli della Costa”;
Polish: “Bracia Wybrzezd” *
Portuguese: “Irmãos da Costa”.
*Polish communist authorities never accepted such a subversive term as “brotherhood” or brother, and refused any registration of the Polish Brotherhood. Eventually, at the time, the Polish Brotherhood was named “Mesa Kaprów Polskich” or “Table of Polish Bucaneers.”
In Chile, the “Treasure” is the content of a coveted old marine chest holding flags, pennants , gifts and symbolic objects received by local Tables or the National Brotherhood.
Probably, the Brotherhood’s cult novel, combining the dreams of childhood and the sacred myths of our Brotherhood. The descriptions of Captain Flynt’s navigation and adventures related by Robert Louis Stevenson make it easy to believe that the writer may have been a Brother. Many have tried to pinpoint the position of the Treasure Island. Some believe it to be St. John, Dead Man’s Chest or Norman island in the American Virgins. Stevenson’s biography, however, seems to indicate that the island was pure fiction.
An initial Table was created on April 11, 1995 at Kiyikislacik sponsored by the Belgian National Captain Charles Leten. This first Table, comprised of only four Brothers, was lost in the fog. A new Table was inaugurated by Brother Zaki Pinto of Switzerland in 1998.
“Modern day Buccaneering” an article in the celebrated North American magazine “Rudder” written by Richard Gordon Mc Closkey, a Brother dubbed in Chile, seized the attention of the Commodore of the Slocum Society, a famous sailor in his own right, John P. Pflieger. Thus was born the first USA Table in New York on November 20, 1959. Presently (2000) the USA Brotherhood claim the following active Tables: Chesapeake Bay Table, VA; Gold Coast Table, FL; Houston Table, TX; Keys Table, FL; New York Table, NY; Bellingham Table, WA; San Antonio Table, TX; Savannah, GA, Sun Coast Table, FL and Corpus Christi, TX. The creation of a Table on the Island of Porto Rico is in the offing. Presently the total number of Brothers amount to 140. American Brothers are credited with starting the Tables of Bergen, Belize and Bahamas. We owe to Brother René Fiechter , former USA National Captain the setting of the first International Zafarrancho in 1986, organized in the wake of “OPERATION SAIL 86”. René is also credited for organizing the first “All America” Zafarrancho on board the clipper STAR FLYER sailing in the Carribean in 1996.
URIBURU , Ernesto
Brother belonging to the Buenos Aires Table. On his ketch GAUCHO, Ernesto accomplished a circumnavigation in 1948. Later he retraced Christopher Colombus path to America, for which he was awarded the Blue Water Medal from the Cruising Club of America. In 1959 he raced in the Havana to St Sebastian challenge.GAUCHO’s sailing were reported in a book 67,000 Millas a bordo del Gaucho (Buenos Aires 1957).
At the LIGHTNINGS design championship held in Montevideo in 1957, a Chilean delegation was presided by Raúl Macerata, one of the Founding Brothers of the Hermandad. Raúl met with Olympic Uruguayan champion Juan Bidegaray and other sportsmen. All were enthused by the idea of creating a Uruguayan Table and this was achieved that same year in Montevideo. A second Table was established in Punta del Este in 1991, followed by a third Table in Colonia del Sacramento. Among the Uruguayan personalities figures Alejandro Hughes, a member of the BLUE DISA crew, which in 1950 made a remarkable passage Cowes-Montevideo. The Uruguayan roster now totals about 100 Brothers.
Brother #178 of Sicilia Table of Catana. Hermano Mayor , Emmanuele devoted his life to broadcast water sports.
VAN DER NOOT, Jean, aka”Tarzan le Blond”†
Belgian Brother #002 Co-Founder, with Roger De Clercq , of the Belgian Brotherhood. He held the first position of Scribe and is the initiator of the operation MON REVE . As his old friend Roger De Clercq, Jean started on his Last Voyage in 1993.
VAN DE WIELE, Louis, aka”Le Taciturne”†
A self-taught naval architect, he bucked his family’s tradition and designed high-seas yachts after WWII, including such celebrated boats as HIERRO, CAPTAIN BROWN (custom-built for Loïck Fougeron and Bernard Moitessier in preparation of the Golden Globe challenge in 1968); and WILLIWAW, with which Willy De Roos succeeded in forcing the North West passage, as well as his own boat OOMO, which carried him and his Captive Annie round the world (1951-1953). This voyage, contemporary to Marcel Bardiaux and shortly after Le Toumelin’s circumnavigation, was the first round-the-world voyage undertaken by a couple in a small sailboat, making Annie probably the first lady to achieve that honor. Recounting their adventures in her book Penelope était du voyage, she details their meeting with Olivier Stern-Veyrin , at the time a MD in the Marquesas Islands, a meeting of two future Brothers. She also gives many interesting details about the relations the Van de Wiele’s had with John Pflieger in an other book of hers: Au fil de l’étrave (1968). Louis started on his Last Voyage in 1991.
Brother #38 of the Belgian Table of Antwerpen. Hugo is a legend in his own time in Belgium. An architect by trade, he contracted the building of a schooner, with the idea of a circumnavigation with some friends in 1938. WWII overtook him in Martinique. The boat of this Yale lecturer, ASKOY, was commissioned to perform some special missions which are, apparently, still classified. In 1941 Hugo joined the US army and was appointed to “Beach Intelligence.” He bore an incredible responsibility as the cartographer charged with mapping the Normandy beaches, prior to D-Day. Promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel, he was decorated with a vast array of medals and citations. Back in Belgium, he was charged with desertion (he was at sea when the war started) and demoted to the rank of Sergeant. However, the new Belgian Navy needed hydrographers and Hugo was quickly promoted, this time to the rank of Captain. ASKOY having been sold to an American at the end of the war, Hugo had a new boat built, ASKOY II which helped him to discover the Dutch canals. Taken ill, he sold ASKOY II to another Belgian Legend, Jacques Brel (the bard). Brel sailed ASKOY II to the Marquesas in Polynesia. Hugo started on his Last Voyage in 1975.
see songs.
Commodore Ettero Echaniz, GHM, Grand Emissary from the Italian Brotherhood, gathered some devoted yachtmen in Caracas to start Venezuela’s first Table on March 12, 1984. A second Table saw its birth in Puerto La Cruz in 1992. Venezuela’s Brotherhood National Captain ( Hermano Mayor ) from 1984 to 1996 was the distinguished Juan Lasi . Other VIP of the Venezuela’s Brotherhood are: Norge Lilla , National Captain since 1996; Enzo Cassani and Jaime Ballestas. One of the characteristics of the Venezuela’s Brotherhood is the number of its Brothers have made one or more Atlantic passages or long cruises. Aiello , Camejo , Dimarzo , Donzelli, Lupoli, Reinhard.
Brother #352 of the Belgian Table of Zeebrugge. Staf was owner of a shipwright wharf in Ostende. During the 86/87 Whitbread Staf skippered the RUCANOR. He was also part of several OSTAR. He started on his Last Voyage in 1995.
VIBART, Eric aka”Firecrest”
French Brother and talented journalist. He is at the masthead of the boat magazine Bateaux and author of a well-read biography of Alain Gerbault and many other books.
In Chile, white powder designates white wine, whereas black powder refers to red wine. According to Chilean custom, no brother may refer to wine under other terms.
WILMAERS, Georges aka”Le Barbu”, GHM †
Belgian Founder Brother of Brussels Table in 1956. Holder of the Blue Star for distinguished services in 1965. Le Barbu started on his Last Voyage in 1996.
see Captives , Louves de Mer
Spanish term naming a call to action on board old vessel. The call to action, or action-station was the Beat to Quarters, intended to muster the crew. In Chile, Zafarrancho refers to the gathering of Brothers to a formal meeting of a Table, a monthly event; the French equivalent being “boucan” and “branle-bas”. Italians use the term “raduno”. “Ravage”, which term is to designate a looting raid, is rarely used by the English-speaking Brothers. Zafarrancho is often shorten to Zaf’.
ZAFARRANCHO closed, or working
Zafarrancho cerrado or Zafarrancho de trabajo is a meeting of Brothers for addressing specific important issues (e.g. election of a Captain, Look-Out…) or planning certain events.
A festive event at which Captives are welcomed and for which one dons his Combat Attire. This Brotherhood’s lively and colorful yearly party is named “Grand Boucan” in Belgium, France and England.
ZAFARRANCHO del Cono sur
Argentina, Chile and Uruguay constitute geographically the “Southern Cone” of South America. In recent years, the Brotherhood of these three countries have organized regional gatherings: the first Conical meeting occurred in 1990 in Buenos Aires with 200 attendants; the second was held in Coquimbo-La Serena in October 1992 with an attendance of 250 Brothers and Captives from Argentina, Germany, Uruguay and Chile.
ZAFARRANCHO, National or Grand Boucan
Annual meeting of all Brothers of a same country and of guests of other Brotherhoods. The National Zafarrancho begins usually with a private meeting of authorities and Table Captains who will treat the country’s own affairs. This meeting is usually followed by a party. Combat Zafarrancho.
The idea of regional gatherings (something between national and World Zaf’s) came up in Chile in 1994 during the Third World Zafarrancho. The first of these Regional Zaf’s was the All-America Zafarrancho, held on board ” STAR FLYER ” in 1996. The Brothers used the opportunity to re-occupy Tortuga for a few hours. Regional Zafs should be held between dates scheduled for the World Zafarranchos.
ZAFARRANCHO, World or Zafarrancho Mundial
Is a worldwide event of the Brotherhood of the Coast. This International gathering takes place every four years, the first having been held in New York in 1986 in conjunction with “OP’ SAIL 86”. The second was organized by the Belgian Brotherhood in Brussels in 1990. The third such gathering was held in Chile in 1994 and the fourth in Italy in 1998 on board the cruiser s/s MONTEREY. The Fifth World Zafarrancho is slated to take place in Portsmouth (U.K.) in 2002. World Zafarranchos provide an opportunity for all National Captains to meet and make important decisions, their Assembly being the supreme authority of the Hermandad.
ZEDDA, Carlo, GHM †
Considered as the renovator of the Italian Brotherhood, Uccio is Brother #426 of Cagliari’s Table. Zedda is also Commodore , Hermano Mayor and an officer of the Italian Navy.