NY Zaf: Andrej is back from the Horn

It went so fast! On March 13, the Bienkowski hosted their “Farewell Zaf to Andrej”  before he embarked on a round the Cape Horn sailing trip.

P1020101One can say “It’s old news…”. Let’s not denigrate such an accomplishment.  Detroit of Magellan is not an easy cruise and remains an important passage in any sailor’s life.

On April 5, I already received the first picture from Andrea with the message “He Is Back! ”

Andrej proudly displaying his BOC burgee
Andrej proudly displaying his BOC burgee

We had to wait until Rascal’s Zaf on May 21 to hear more of his adventure.

The 53′ steel sloop Andrej joined is skipped by a young Dutch professional captain assisted by a young crew. A team of eight participated  to the trip, three of them young women. Most of the watches were shared between the yacht’s crew, Andrej and the other Brother of the Coast … ???
Some of the pictures show that the boats are now way better equipped than Moitessier’s Joshua or Slocum’s Spindrift! Rigid cockpit canopies are standard. Hydraulic winches are at the ready. Storm stay sails, heavy duty furlers are the rule. And when they anchor, they do not even check the depth. an all chain tackle is set. All of it !
The yacht encountered 54 knots winds, thankfully enabling a somewhat comfortable running route.

jungle-jane-1996-burrgee jungle-jane-1996-station


Jungle Jane to comment: I found these photos from my  2 trips to Cape Horn, two from the circumnavigation of South America in 1996, the other of the ramp going up from a trip to Antarctica, in 1999. Is the Brotherhood flag still there?It is an exciting place to visit. Well done. Jane

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