
1. Execute with respect the orders of the Captain as if they were those of your Spiritual father or your older Brother.

2. Never bear arms or attack with bad words the Brothers of the same Bay or those of the Littoral.

3. Receive in your boat the Brother who visits you; offer him the food from your table and the best hammock in your cabin.

4. As you treat your Brethren so will you be treated and the Captain will celebrate your fraternity, or will punish you.

5. Do not envy the ship of your Brother, nor his sails, nor his motor.

6. Bring the Brother without harbor to your bay, and should he own no other riches than his heart, take him aboard your yacht and consider him as your Brother.

7. Do not be conceited or violent; if you are, you will cause your Brethren to keep away from you, and you will be quarantined with your plague.

8. Love of the Sea must be the cult of your days; make sacrifices for her and observe her laws.

La Hermandad de la Costa, Santiago, the Seventh Day of November 1954

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For many years we have only had three publications that gave any insight into the Brotherhood. The first of course is the Octolog which provides the rules of the Brotherhood. The second was the “Grrreatest Dictionary”. It was a product of the Secoin and provided a reference to many of the people, the terms, and the events that have shaped this organization. Unfortunately, it has been out of print and in the process of update for several years. Hopefully, Tony Olmer will make it a priority as he takes over the reign of Secoin. The third was the Guide, which was written by & for the USA and provides guidelines for the procedures of the US Brotherhood. However, you should keep in mind that it was ratified as exactly that…a guide. The law of the Brotherhood is the Octolog.

Now we have available “Tales of the Brotherhood”. This is the result of a tremendous effort on the part of R.K. Ready and Stew Kaufman, editeds by Barbara Burns. The “Tales” is based on interviews with many of those who have been involved over many years of our growth in the USA. It attempts to document the growth and development of our organization from a single Table in New York to where we are today. I know that everyone will find interesting reading and very informative. While it is written to be entertaining to read, it is based on the facts as he was able to gather them. I want to personally thank R.K. and Stew for the many hours that they put into this project. I think that you will enjoy the result.

The first printing is now available. Each Table Captain will be sent 6 copies. Additional copies are available for $4 ea. You can contact Stew Kaufman to place an order.

Small Silver Ball The guide

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