The New York Table has been enjoying Saturday night “Zoom Zafs” for several weeks now. Recently these Zafs were attended by guests from other U.S. tables. On May 3, the New York Table and Orza from the Chesapeake were thrilled to join New Zealand, Australia, Chile, and New Caledonia at 12:00 Sunday Canberra time – 22:00 Saturday EST.
Our Chilean engagé Andres proudly recited the Octalog in Spanish. ORZA!
Count us in!!! We’ll join when possible. Blue Stache / Diana
Supe! The San Juan Puerto Rico Table will love to participate in the next one!
Great concept. You will never have to wonder what you missed anymore. Never Zoomed before. Looking forward to having a grand-kid show me what everyone else seems to know.
So sorry for my ignorance, but who is captrosebud ?