NY FlashZaf and new Engagé

Paul (Mindaugas) and wife Dawn are heading back to St Augustine, leaving their Malo 36 “Bubu” in Stanford. They plan to sail Nova Scotia next season. Sparks reunited us for a dinner d’adieu. We officially recited the Octolog and invited Paul Citarella as a new engagé.  Paul started sailing with his parents and sister when he was about 10 and has been an avid sailor since. He recently purchased a Leopard 38 sailing cat after selling his Jeanneau 36.  With his wife Alyssa, daughters Heather 10 and Katie 6,  they plan to live aboard, working their way down the east coast to Florida and then on to the Bahamas for the winter. They plan to sail up to the CT area during the summer to be with friends and family, then back to the Caribbean for the off season.


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