Through social media, we learned that Papy Jovial is sold. We now can officially wish Brise-Galets fair winds on his quest for a river boat and his subsequent European inland water explorations. Let’s also recognize and make good use of his work on the international roster: Have you updated your profile yet?
On this side of the Atlantic, we are working hard on BOCUS.ORG.
Lately, the posted comments or replies “disappeared” from the post page and readers have to click on “6 Replies” to follow the conversation. We could reinstate the screen showing replies after the original post, but we suggest you “FOLLOW THIS POST”. Any opinions? Would you send us feedback?
Lastly: SPAM!
Every days, hundreds of malicious sites try to pry WordPress sites. BOCUS aims to provide flexibility to each table to post its own news. Because of our attention to privacy and security, and the requirement to allow multiple authors, the procedure is more stringent than for other social media websites. Some Scribes are successful in posting via email or even through the dashboard. Send us reply and feedback!